killerwolf1 » Favorites (38)
- Flashclaw's Revenge by supergirl173
- Create a WolfClan Family Tree, One Step at a Time! by Hollyfern
- Wolf Clans epsiode 9 by killerwolf1
- Random Wolf animation by Paperclips
- Warriors: Emberpaw's prophecy, blooper (jungleboogy!) by gggggmicro2
- wolf in unknown blood (Rayanddrages movie) by killerwolf1
- scourge toys with the forest cats (the clans) by WarriorCatIsTheBest
- Look up at the Stars CC why do you have to go by killerwolf1
- cat CC *OPEN* by WarriorCatIsTheBest
- Evil Brokenstar toys with starclan by killerwolf1
- wolf clans episode 7 by killerwolf1
- part 1 the clan by XB74
- part two the meeting by XB74
- wolf clans episode 6 by killerwolf1
- Look up at the Stars CC by wolvesrule251
- unknown blood wolf by killerwolf1
- Recent Art 9-3-13 by -SkyStar-
- Phenomenon CC firestar vs scourge by killerwolf1
- Wolf clans episode 5 by killerwolf1
- Call tigerstar maybe (short amv thing)Spoof by gggggmicro2
- Poison is a Superstar by wolvesrule251
- wolf clans episode 4 by killerwolf1
- Brave MAP Part 7 by -SkyStar-
- wolf clans episode 3 by killerwolf1
- bat quiz episode 3 snakes by deathsnake1
- bat quiz episode 2 dinosaurs by deathsnake1
- black and white wolf- this is the way it must always be by killerwolf1
- wolf clans episode 2 by killerwolf1
- wolf clans episode 1 by killerwolf1
- bat quiz episode 1 welcome by deathsnake1
- spirit wolf-it is not my time to die by killerwolf1
- wolf spirit revenge by killerwolf1
- Lead the Clan by Foxgirlgamer
- Wolf coloring contest(OPEN) entry!!! by wolvesrule251
- wolves-feel like a monster by killerwolf1
- wolves-bad blood by killerwolf1
- -Ripplefeather's runcycle- by Songheart
- wolves-this is war by killerwolf1