Scratcher Joined 10 years ago United States
About me
I like to play sports and it would be nice if you follow me. And I will follow you back. i'm 15
and i'm trying to reach 200 followers and I'm a huge fan of the Seahawks
coming back : idk
What I'm working on
I can work on music stuff so if you want me to post leave a comment down below. ☻ this is bob copy and paste him so he can take over scratchInstagram: fain_29 go follow
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (27)
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there not toys there figurines !!!!! by kinggold253
kinggold253 CD by kinggold253
Best Basketball Shot Ever remix by kinggold253
I was bored by kinggold253
For @The_Heartographer by kinggold253
We Bare Bears Remix by kinggold253
Fairly Odd Parents by kinggold253
Peta griffin by kinggold253
my soccer animation by kinggold253
Untitled by kinggold253
kinggold253's huskie by kinggold253
Lucas army person remix here! remix by kinggold253
backyardigans remix by kinggold253
dum dee dum by kinggold253
Party favor by kinggold253
Love it or favorite if you like Huskies by kinggold253
campfire song song remix by kinggold253
slow down instumental by kinggold253
King Entertainment by kinggold253
Victory Dance by kinggold253
Favorite Projects
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backyardigans remix remix by ItsJust_Hope
always love me..... "finished" by Kenzie-faz-fox
my boo <3 by Kenzie-faz-fox
I died my hair i December 2015! by cowgirl88
My Huskies!!! by cowgirl88
[broken] Pillow Fight! its broken so dont bother playing by squig3
When i play agario (test) by Cool190
like or love if you like cattle by cowgirl88
This might be goodbye or not. by stickmanwithgun
Bricks by Hobson-TV
Lil' Doggie by Hobson-TV
john cena (reupload) by UltimatePenguin
Classic Antiques by The_Guy_
Girls Vs. Guys by The_Guy_
Lily's Room by kccgirl
What Fruit Are You? by courtneyfoxy
Let it go - Master remix. by Zanom_Games
What are those?!?! - A Short Animation by Tony_Zanom
do it by svpanda
Studios I'm Following
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Lets see how many followers we can get before 2017
We Bare Bears Studio
coolest people I know
Music, music lyrics, MUSIC!!!!!
music studio
Lonely projects, make them viewed
Might be my final days on scratch
the Call of duty fan club
what college do you want to go to
kinggold253's family
Follow @kinggold253 @diamondminer253 @cfo4man
can we get 1000 mangers by New Year's Day!!!!!?????
NinjaStarP45's (and his followers') Awesome Studio
One Day At Flumptys Beta Testers
My Followers And I
Let's get 20,000 Curators/Managers by 2018!
Lets play
Studios I Curate
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who's active?
PS4 or Xbox One?
//you see a cute girl with a sign// pleeeease look!
Replying to all messages
Music to my ears!!
2 Truths And A Lie!
~Fan club for Cowgirl88~
The Prayer Studio!
Miranda Sings Lovers!
Bye scratch, New One!
Nightcore,Mashup and Song Studio!
Super Gobo Bros. Finale IS OUT!!!!!
Together We Game.
How many projects can we get from 2016-2017
Friend Chat
Weird dream studio
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