larberthighschool1 » Shared Projects (14)
- This is a cool Digital Clock by larberthighschool1
- Example pankake day advert by larberthighschool1
- Maze by larberthighschool1
- Ping pong by larberthighschool1
- Dice by larberthighschool1
- Avoid the astroids by larberthighschool1
- Dressing the penguin by larberthighschool1
- Using arrows by larberthighschool1
- Making it big by larberthighschool1
- Gliding around by larberthighschool1
- Turning around by larberthighschool1
- Hide and show by larberthighschool1
- Animating the cat by larberthighschool1
- Change colour by larberthighschool1