marzi06 » Favorites (56)
- The Muppet Show Animation (AMV) by Ekrcoaster1
- Scratch City by ScratchStang
- ColoRush by Hamsword
- DJ SCRATCH CAT by j03b0t
- gravity cats by pandafanda
- Trick or Treat by pinkstars24
- Fighto's Adventure by Goode_Games
- Mayor in Town by Goode_Games
- pencil paint by marzi06
- Space keepy uppy! by Finnthebest12
- disgusts quiz by ISBscratchers
- What I've done in Portal 2 by Charmosa2005
- It's muffin time. by corban2804
- Rainbow Pooping Unicorn- The Game by Meap77
- Super Mario remix-4 by satochi
- Roby the Robot's Maze Adventure! by Kokowi
- Hand Animation by Hufflepuffing
- Reflections 2.0 Background Changes by makethebrainhappy
- Gobi3: Platformer by makethebrainhappy
- KEEP I FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by primanna
- watch the animation by marzi06
- My Favorite Channel! by MoreBetter
- minion talker by heatherlm4
- PONY TALK by heatherlm4
- stickman run by marzi06
- MLG Simulator by 13arbr
- The Ninja 3 by 13arbr
- Mario by 13arbr
- FNAF Foxy by beccamaxin
- juego ¿Quien quiere ser millonario? by escuela-el-carmen
- SimpleMaze by TKperiod2
- chopechat by Maxmonster1
- Scratch Run by OrangeEditer
- Blob by sgwoofdog
- dragon! by primanna
- Conversation between Anna and Elsa by RainbowKittySparkle
- real dragon by arthultim
- Gravity Platforms by arthultim
- bow physics 2 by X-15
- Fluid by sticku
- the painting unicorn remix by monkeyboo06
- the painting unicorn by marzi06
- Scratch Catch by monkeyboo06
- Red (and orange) magical girl creator! by sadsally514
- Quadrate by shmandersen
- Dress Up Katheryna - Fan Project by Azulina11
- 3-D Thing v1.1 by Neo241
- Nicks Love Life Episode 1 by emcplantc
- Dwarf Mountainhome by Kaide_
- Easter Egg Decorator by pinkstars24
- Fortune teller! by katnissanddeathstar
- Paint Nails remix!!!!!!!!!!!!! by rarity_diva2580
- Minigames 1.3.3 by random555
- Math With Cat remix by MathCount_s
- I'm taking requests! by TheSpaceDolphin
- Hair Salon by birdiecoder19