mrsmcgarrah » Studios I Curate (318)
- Virtual Pet
- Mother's Day Card
- Virtual Town
- Character Designer
- Character Designer
- Effects in Animation
- Exploring Animation
- Rube Goldberg Machine
- Movie Magic
- Dance Party
- Animate a Name
- Events and Responses
- Getting Started
- Jan. 20 Dance Party
- Jan. 19 Animate Name
- Extra Projects
- Jan 18 Events and Responses
- Jan. 17 Getting Started
- Dec. 20 Pen Art
- Dec. 14-15 Animation Cycles
- Dec. 20 Pen Art
- Dec. 14-15 Animation Cycles
- Dec. 12 Scratch Art
- Dec. 12 Scratch Art
- Dec. 9 Intro to Procedures
- Dec. 9: Procedures
- Period 6 RISE
- Period 5: RISE
- Dec. 2 Ending of Newbery Book
- Nov. 30 RISE Animations
- Nov. 29: Middle of Newbery Book
- Nov. 28 Maze
- Nov. 17 Title and Author
- Nov. 17 Debug it
- Nov. 17 Mazes
- Nov 16 Debug it
- Nov. 15 Translator
- Nov. 15 Translator
- Nov. 14: Chatbots
- Nov. 14: Chatbots
- Nov. 15: Beginning of Newbery Book
- Nov. 10: Draw Backdrops
- Nov. 9: Vector Animation
- Nov. 8 Effects
- Nov. 7 Exploring Animation
- Nov. 9: Rocket Launch
- Nov. 9: Rocket Launch
- November 2: Bounce
- Nov. 2: IF-THEN-ELSE
- November 1: Debugging
- Nov 1: Bounce
- October 31: Halloween
- October 28: Race to the Finish
- October 28: Debugging
- October 27: Virtual Pet
- October 27: Dance Battle
- October 27: Dance Battle
- October 26: Race to Finish
- October 25: Dance Party
- October 25: Hide & Seek Conditionals