oe7aft » Shared Projects (74)
- AXEL OS COMEBACK v. 3.1.1 by oe7aft
- GUN SIMULATOR by oe7aft
- goalie simulator 1.1 by oe7aft
- penalty shoot out v. 2.2 by oe7aft
- Ma quale dieta versione Chipmunks by oe7aft
- Ricetta per super BARRETTA ENERGETICA by oe7aft
- Space Dash! Hacked by oe7aft
- Sounds useful for projects created with scratch by oe7aft
- Online show 2021 by oe7aft
- Game machine by oe7aft
- EV3 Controler by oe7aft
- Translate on SCRATCH by oe7aft
- SVG Police car animation by oe7aft
- Animation: Police by oe7aft
- TIC TAC TOE (2 players) ❌ ⭕ by oe7aft
- COVID-19 Game by oe7aft
- My Skins (Whiteboard) 2.1 by oe7aft
- Fish Game by oe7aft
- Drum Simulator (WEBCAM) by oe7aft
- 4 Microsoft animations by oe7aft
- Make your skin! v.2.0 by oe7aft
- CRICKET GAME by oe7aft
- Turbowarp Project by oe7aft
- BOB GOES TO A ESTAURANT Ep. 9 by oe7aft
- Bob goes to jail | Ep. 4 by oe7aft
- Bob gets a job | Ep. 2 by oe7aft
- Episode 1 | BOB by oe7aft
- BOB STUPS HIS TOE | Ep. 6 by oe7aft
- AXEL by oe7aft
- Text Editor ✒ by oe7aft
- Axel Pixelate by oe7aft
- Pixel Colorless by oe7aft
- Pixel by oe7aft
- make your own island better design by oe7aft
- ScratchOS Black&White ⬛⬜ by oe7aft
- Scratchcat and Goalie play ball [ANIMATION] by oe7aft
- Whirl by oe7aft
- Black&Withe by oe7aft
- Bro v.2.0 B-) by oe7aft
- Bob's life Episode 2-Bobs becomes more famous than Griffpatch!!! by oe7aft
- Frozen Appel by oe7aft
- piano test for OS by oe7aft
- Axel by oe7aft
- Color Balls by oe7aft
- Space Dash! (Normal tacos) by oe7aft
- Click green flag, then stop ... by oe7aft
- Paint P. by oe7aft
- XAcademy by oe7aft
- Effects by oe7aft
- Learning&co by oe7aft
- Killer | Cloud by oe7aft
- Pacman withe Game over by oe7aft
- Scratchemoji test area ☢ by oe7aft
- Bob's life episode 2 by oe7aft
- Paint Program by oe7aft
- Loading animations by oe7aft
- by oe7aft
- @OE7AFT by oe7aft
- infocenter 2 by oe7aft