petra_on_scratch » Favorites (78)
- it is christmas by mr_jesse
- Petra art by Mcsm4Life
- ... by petra_on_scratch
- hehe by petra_on_scratch
- look at me now by petra_on_scratch
- i love this song by mr_jesse
- 41 FOLLOWERS?! by acceptmymercy
- wassup by mr_jesse
- petra needs a kiss by mr_jesse
- something to make my self happy by petra_on_scratch
- get well soon by mr_jesse
- Second Attempt at Drawing Betty by acceptmymercy
- Witherstorm speedpaint by SmartySmarfie
- smartysmarfie in a nutshell by mr_jesse
- ☆Panic room {MEME}☆ by acceptmymercy
- Alone and Afraid by acceptmymercy
- its my sempai (・ω・) by petra_on_scratch
- Darkest of Hearts (A short RP) by acceptmymercy
- Marci and Hira sprites by acceptmymercy
- Speedpaint of Marci by acceptmymercy
- jesses favorite word :P by petra_on_scratch
- My reaction when I first saw Nurm by SmartySmarfie
- u broke my fire!!! by gamenight2
- changing my profile pic to this :P by petra_on_scratch
- y petra hates frogs by mr_jesse
- petra loves heavy metal (and i don't) by mr_jesse
- Carrin's tragic life (WIP) by SmartySmarfie
- Roast Battle by SmartySmarfie
- Imma drop my croissant! (Minecraft funniness) by SmartySmarfie
- when someone you hate spams on your profile by petra_on_scratch
- Pacman 3.0 by Yannick4510
- My Scratch Story by acceptmymercy
- Frisk fanart (Mercy Pacifist Ending) DETERMINATION by acceptmymercy
- Chara fanart by acceptmymercy
- petra my style by acceptmymercy
- MCSM memes by SmartySmarfie
- .-CRYiNG-. by PetalCrest
- Jesse and Petra's love story by SmartySmarfie
- have a chat with pop team epic! 3/4donedemo by summerofdaywolfrawr
- petra's scream XD by mr_jesse
- project (Y u stop it) by SmartySmarfie
- silly vs cweepy project stopping warning by mr_jesse
- annoying jesse singing (only with ocean man voice crack) by SmartySmarfie
- random moments with me and petra (ep1) by mr_jesse
- i have OCD by petra_on_scratch
- jesse roasts his friends by mr_jesse
- mlg jesse clicker by mr_jesse
- 12th birthday! by SmartySmarfie
- Banana by SmartySmarfie
- airhorn prank by mr_jesse
- Jesse's Bad Luck by SmartySmarfie
- i need an animation idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by OITG88
- I want dat 1 by SmartySmarfie
- Almost my B-Day!!!!!!!! by SmartySmarfie
- MCSM: Dont cry Petra! smile! :) by Cute_-_Pie199
- petra roasting alex for revenge by petra_on_scratch
- It's Every Day Bro in a Nutshell by JetpackEntertainment
- Petra seems displeased... by Clockwork21
- Minecraft Story Mode: Light through Dark Trailer by SmartySmarfie