s_federici » Shared Projects (158)
- Kalamkari block printing remix by s_federici
- Sun Earth Moon (No TRIG, no VARS) (no trails) by s_federici
- Optical illusion: Movement by s_federici
- Happy π Day | Art Render [remix] by s_federici
- TAB key bug by s_federici
- Scratch QUIZ 3: wrong score by s_federici
- Scratch QUIZ 2: NO bounce by s_federici
- Scratch QUIZ 1: wrong bounce by s_federici
- still bluish: mezmorising effect [remix] by s_federici
- Bluish: Spiral Tensor [remix] by s_federici
- [To add it to studio] Ellipse Physics (Collab and I will unshare) remix by s_federici
- order of execution by s_federici
- ordine di esecuzione by s_federici
- click the dog by s_federici
- breakout Scratch by s_federici
- [DO NOT LIKE OR FAV] Worst Day Ever (NULL REMIX) by s_federici
- Real Four-stroke Engine with cylinder (NO TRIG, NO VAR) FIXED by s_federici
- Real Four-stroke Engine with cylinder (NO TRIG, NO VAR) by s_federici
- Testing Forkphorus on a cellphone by s_federici
- [NULL remix] by s_federici
- My particles (Griffpatch's style) by s_federici
- (Almost) Boids [REMIX] by s_federici
- Temporary project by s_federici
- CowboyPuzzle1 (with completion detector) by s_federici
- Puzzle Completion Test (for GOCH) by s_federici
- Shallow Neural Network [NULL remix] by s_federici
- dragging and touching by s_federici
- stop all test by s_federici
- image export bug by s_federici
- direction reporter bug by s_federici
- [Italiano] What does Scratch mean to you? by s_federici
- staToccandoSprite by s_federici
- staToccandoColore by s_federici
- Snow Effect by s_federici
- Let the whole world protect Ukraine against Putin remix by s_federici
- Diego finale-7 by s_federici
- NPR guy distorted following mouse by s_federici
- square pattern (remix) by s_federici
- Gaussian Distribution multicolor by s_federici
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo (Gaussian Random Walk) remix by s_federici
- Goofy - Fisheye Effect 2 - interactive by s_federici
- [SENSOR-BASED] || Rube Goldberg Machine by s_federici
- Trammel of Archimedes - Ellipsograph by s_federici
- Simple Ellipse Drawing 2 (from Heldlaw's) by s_federici
- Simplest Ellipse Drawing (from Heldlaw's) by s_federici
- Ellipse Following the Mouse (1.2) 100% PEN by s_federici
- Ellipse Following the Mouse (1) by s_federici
- Rotation Illusion remix by s_federici
- Animated pythagoras tree by s_federici
- Il Mare by s_federici
- glide and rotate after Space key (Snap test) by s_federici
- sunglasses (Snap test) by s_federici
- Il verbo AVERE by s_federici
- Simulazione Diffusione Coronavirus (remix) by s_federici
- Transparent sprite visible when project stops by s_federici
- Simple Harmonic Motion remix by s_federici
- Free fall remix by s_federici
- Tentacles3 - Mandelbrot Art Challenge remix by s_federici
- Tentacles2 - Mandelbrot Art Challenge remix by s_federici
- Mandelbrot Art Challenge - SpiderWeb by s_federici