samanthaj103 » Favorites (16)
- murder mystery 2 by 10ninjakitty123
- Thank you card by camilao17
- Your local gallery (:\ by samanthaj103
- Music- What can you create? remix by charlesh123201
- Photo editor ‘-‘ by samanthaj103
- Card for Cami A by samanthaj103
- Animated card by nadializf
- Da spooky project! :0 by camilaa51
- A Friend of Mine remix by samanthaj103
- Samantha 4A1 by samanthaj103
- Knock Knock Joke by samanthaj103
- Raven Jump Scare by ravenp23
- Camila A’s favorite backdrops by camilaa51
- Fav Backdrops!!! by charlesh123201
- Interactive Collage by samanthaj103
- Astronaut doggy walking in the city ?:O by camilaa51