synsocks » Favorites (64)
Everytime.......... by leiadog
Rotaty Stick by Greatguy123
OREO Wonderfilled by Owl City by TheDragonSk8er
Pen Hero - a pen platformer by GameNoob
the hobbit: the desolation of scratch soundtrack by celticranger
Olivia by jn97
lord of the rings soundtrack by celticranger
Minecraft Music!!! by 200840
Do Not Run Red Lights... by MoreBetter
My Favorite LotR Quote by _Legolas_
IGNITION! by RelientKid
Who Am I? - 2 by Elsa_The_Conqueror
Elsa VS Benedict Cumberbatch!!! by Elsa_The_Conqueror
FutureAwesomeProjectThat'sNotAwsomeYet by CainFelixHeel
Anna VS General Grievous by Elsa_The_Conqueror
Best Star Wars Songs by jo1063
Monster by Skillet Lyrics by FluffyMuffinz
Sign if you belive God is NOT dead remix remix remix by csf9016
Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.8 by griffpatch
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! by CreativeWitch
Canine Creator 2 by Doomkitten
Sandwich Maker by onedirection1997
Lez Pull Dat Guy Out of Le Ground! by HashtagJIGGLE
My Icon by Tom_Sawyer-junhardy
Demi Lovato - let it go by mysterycat30
You shall not pass. by RED_Spy
~ My Hobbit drawings ~ by LaurelLaufeyson
Explore the Shire by RainFoxArtist
When I Watch My Old Projects by scratchU8
Extreme Ninja Parkour Master! by epninja
Avoid The Fire 2 by Unrealisation
Ghost hunting! by Lillibob2003
Ipod remix by Lillibob2003
colors the original game. by scratchbrainstormer
Sign if you belive God is NOT dead remix remix remix by cute_girl4
Eye Tutorial by -Brokenwonder-
iPod by legofan94
iPad by annagid
Journey Towards the Flag by LoveMyFamily
3d Lines by SohCahToa314
The quest of Frodo Baggins by Gollum11111
Fancy Dress up by Pancakelover27
Dress Up- The Gentleman by Pancakelover27
Fancy Lady Dress Up! by Pancakelover27
Mario Party REMIX Beta by scratchU8
TheMovieShallBeEpic by synsocks
Virtual Bracelet Creator! by CrazyNimbus
Balloon Simulator by Doodlebug450
Spring Bling Dress-Up by CrazyNimbus
Sign if you LOVE Frozen SyNsOcKsReMiX by synsocks
Eating Nutella (animation) by mtcrafter
God's Not Dead remix by synsocks
God's Not Dead!!! DJmix remix by synsocks
Captain Scratch Cat Trailer #2 remix by synsocks
Captain Scratch Cat Trailer #2 by junhardy
Captain Scratch trailer. #1 by junhardy
Share A Coke art remix by synsocks
Share A Coke art by Phares12
Share A Coke thing where you don't have to remix it! by TnC_Studios
That moment when that one song comes on. by WazzoTV