wesleycedric » Shared Projects (15)
- The bus trip wiki (ignore this) by wesleycedric
- lobotomy death by wesleycedric
- GUN GUT HIT by wesleycedric
- pew pew bang bang by wesleycedric
- Black hawk's ult by wesleycedric
- Zombie king's rage by wesleycedric
- short fighting scene by wesleycedric
- the virus simulation by wesleycedric
- supreme fight by wesleycedric
- bloody animation 4 by wesleycedric
- bloody animation 3 by wesleycedric
- guts and blackpower by wesleycedric
- bloody animation 2 by wesleycedric
- bloody animation (very bloody) by wesleycedric
- cool animation just by using costumes by wesleycedric