wezzer817 » Shared Projects (14)
Can you Survive?: The Apocolypes remix by wezzer817
instructions screen by wezzer817
can you survive the apocolypse jr. programmer by wezzer817
refresher 5 - creating a game shell and using the backpack remix by wezzer817
refresher 3 - touching and conditions - simple maze game remix-3 by wezzer817
Lesson 7 - Arguments and Operators remix by wezzer817
Starting Screen by wezzer817
Untitled-7 by wezzer817
Untitled-9 by wezzer817
Lesson 8 - Variables & User input remix by wezzer817
Motion Blocks LESSON 1 HW remix-2 by wezzer817
Untitled-3 by wezzer817
Look Instructions - Save the Wizard! remix-2 by wezzer817
vector vs. bitmap HW remix by wezzer817