yeet-off » Studios I Curate (279)
- I have a sad announcement (Maybe for some of you)
- new account
- Almost 2021, anyone have something to say?
- ((Guys, my parents are fighting again...I'm scared))
- I'm leaving Scratch :(
- Christmas Coding Competition!
- photos go brrrr-
- I dunno what to name this-
- I deleted all my accounts..
- frisk is dying
- The Return Of VENGEANCE.... (Mini RP)
- Ask or dare Red
- Frisk EPIC hangout
- HOLY..!!!!!
- What should i draw
- Ask or dare Elena because y e s-
- can you SURVIVE......
- Proud momma noises- úwù
- vibe at 1 am and eat raw ramen gang gang
- pick your gift
- WeDdInG gO bRrRrR- ((rp))
- OC school!
- now follow dis guy man
- lol follow dis guy yo
- Im bored so a random rp-
- *flowers*
- *bloom seems upset*
- Memory virus
- Underverse RP
- *nightmare screeches* ((rp))
- cursed collection
- Encouragement for a friend ( plz read not a rp )
- scaring nm at 2 am
- familiar faces ( I SING CUZ IM BORED THRU WORDS)
- The Official Cult of Blursed Images
- Ah haha (( rp ))
- Uhhh- Lust?- ((RP))
- Poor girl seems really upset.
- Terror In Inkopolis (Splatoon and Fnaf crossover RP)
- I nearly FROZE to death today
- Painted Plummet rp
- frisk came to visit! (rp)
- I almost- forgot about this-
- Insert much boredom here-
- Haha marriage n' stuff
- I have a problem. . .( not a rp )
- Just smth' nice for a rp to get my mind of something
- haha- shes a baby again- hhhh-
- coffee go brrr-
- daycare -rp- (you dont need to accept)
- *screaming* TY FOR 300 FOLLOWERS!!!
- Chara's Relationships (At the time)
- I've decided to stay a little while longer-
- neko Elena go BRRR-
- ((Happy moment :') ))
- flowey seems to be freaking out ((rp))