North Carolina Reimbursement for Telehealth

North Carolina reimburses for telepsychiatry + a separate facility fee (Q3014).  This means that the patient location (originating site) can be reimbured for the telehealth session and in addition receive a small fee to cover the costs of technology.  Since our telehealth solution does not require any additional equipment other than computers or mobile devices that you already have, the facility fee will pay for our services rather quickly and the rest is added revenue for your organization.  Clik the links below for more information from

NC Medicaid Telehealth Policy amended 2018

NC Department of Health and Human Services  Telepsychiatry Gudelines

11/2018 - Proposed Changes to Medicaid in North Carolina

"Under the new system, the state will pay Managed Care Companies a yet-to-be-determined rate per person instead of its current model, where the state oversaw the care of patients across the state and essentially cut check for every flu shot, operation and emergency room visit for people on Medicaid's rolls."

- From North Carolina Health News  - 11/28/2018

What Does this mean for Telehealth? 

More people will be added to Medicaid Services and providers will not be getting reimbursed in the same way.  Telehealth services will be a way to eliminate barriers to access, see more patients more quickly and save money.  Our recommendation is to be sure to include telehealth services in your contract with the Managed Care Organization.

At Secure Telehealth, we have over 10 years of experience helping organizations implement successful telehealth programs.  We fully manage your telehealth program so you don't have to.  Your patients work directly with us to get set up for their first appointment. When they have questions or technical problems, they call us so that none of your time is wasted and appointments are not missed. Contact us below to hear more about starting Telehealth or growing your telehealth program in North Carolina.

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