Online Training for Health Care Professionals

In collaboration with the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, we have developed online trainings for health care professionals to learn how to provide more inclusive care to neurodiverse patients.

Behavior Analysis for Inclusive Vaccine Administration (BAIVA)

The BAIVA training was created for health care professionals and caregivers. During this training, you will learn behavioral techniques to help promote the cooperation, comfort, and safety of neurodiverse patients during vaccine administrations.

BAIVA Resources

Behavior Analysis for Inclusive Physical Exams (BAIPE)

The BAIPE training was created for health care professionals. During this training, you will learn some best practices to accommodate neurodiverse patients during physical examinations.

BAIPE Resources

Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities TCDD  Logo


  • Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities

    Phone: 281-283-3452
    Fax: 281-283-3510

    Arbor South
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 245
    Houston, TX 77058-1002