Kalanka Jayalath

Kalanka Jayalath, Ph.D.

Program Chair and Associate Professor of Statistics ,College of Science and Engineering

Contact number: 281-283-3778
Email: jayalath@uhcl.edu
Office: B3521-7


  • Ph.D. in Statistical Science, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
  • M.S. in Statistics, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
  • BSc in Mathematics (special), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Areas of Expertise

  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Data Mining
  • Experimental Designs and Regression Modeling
  • Spatial Statistics: Point Pattern Analysis
  • Survival Analysis



  • Gupta, B. C., Guttman, I., Jayalath, K. P. (2020) “Statistics and probability with applications for engineers and scientists”. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Jayalath, K. P., Gunst, R. F., Meltzer, D. J (2021). “Spatial Characterization of the Large Rock Patterns in Blocks C, X, and Y", The Mountaineer Site: a Folsom Winter Camp in the Rockies, B.N. Andrews, D.J. Meltzer and M. Stiger, editors. University Press of Colorado, Louisville, CO.
  • Eifert, E. P., Jayalath, K. P., Chhikara, R. (in press). “Survival Analysis for the Inverse Gaussian Distribution: Natural Conjugate and Jeffrey’s Priors”. Emerging Topic in Statistics and Biostatistics: Bayesian Inference and Computation in Reliability and Survival Analysis.

Journal Articles

  • Jayalath, K. P., & Turner, J. (2021). “ Analysis of Means (ANOM) Concepts and  Computations ”. Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) 16(1), 75-96.
  • Jayalath, K. P. (2021). “ Fiducial Inferences on the Right Censored Birnbaum Saunders Data via Gibbs Sampler ”, Stats 4(2), 385-399.
  • Jayalath, K. P., & Ng, H. K. T. (2020). “ Analysis of Means (ANOM) Approach in  Advanced Designs ”. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 36(3), 501-520.
  • Jayalath, K. P., & Chhikara, R. (2020). “ Survival Analysis for the Inverse Gaussian  Distribution with the Gibbs Sampler ”. Journal of Applied Statistics.
  • Jayalath, K. P., & Ng, H. K. T. (2018). “ Analysis of means approach for random factor  analysis ”. Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(8), 1426-1446.
  • Jayalath, K. P. (2018). “ A machine learning approach to analyze ODI cricket predictors ”.
  • Journal of Sports Analytics, 4(1), 73-84.
  • Jayalath, K. P., Ng, H. K. T., Manage, A. B., & Riggs, K. E. (2017). “ Improved tests for  homogeneity of variances ”. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation,
  • 46(9), 7423-7446.
Full list of scholarly publications

Research Projects

Research Grants

  • Faculty Development Fund (FDF), University of Houston - Clear Lake. 2016, 2017, and 2019
  • Conference Travel Grant: PI: “A Graphical Test for Testing Random Effects in Common Statistical Designs”, Department of Mathematics, Central Michigan University. 2016
  • Research & Creative Activity Grant: PI: “Modeling Spatial Data”, funded by Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, Stephen F Austin State University. 2015

Research Presentations

  • Invited talk: “ A Bayesian Survival Analysis for the Inverse Gaussian Data ”, International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications, ICOSDA 2019, Grand Rapids, MI.
  • Presented research work: “ A Bayesian Approach for Survival Analysis with the  Inverse Gaussian Data ”, Conference of Texas Statisticians 2019, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
  • Invited talk: “ A Graphical Test for Testing Random Effects ”, Conference of Texas Statisticians 2017, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX.
  • Invited talk: “ A Graphical Test for Testing Random Effects in Common Statistical Design ”,
  • International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications, ICOSDA 2016, Niagara Falls, Canada.
  • Invited talk: “ Spatial point patterns in geometrical structures ”, Conference of Texas Statisticians 2015, University of Texas, Austin, TX
  • Presented research work: “ An Application of Spatial Point Processes ”, Joint Statistical Meetings 2014.
  • Guest Speaker: “ Geometrical Pattern Identification Using Bayesian Paradigm ”, The College of Sciences and Mathematics & The R. W. Yeagy Colloquium 2014, Nacogdoches, TX.
Complete list of research presentations

Awards and Accomplishments

Editorial Memberships

  • Austin Statistics Journal
  • Insight-Statistics Journal

Journal Reviewer

  • Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
  • Journal of Applied Statistics
  • Cogent Mathematics
  • Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)
  • Stats Journal
  • Soft Computing

Professional Memberships

  • American Statistical Association
  • International Statistical Engineering Association