Yingfu Li

Yingfu (Frank) Li, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Statistics,College of Science and Engineering

Contact number: 281-283-3728
Email: li@uhcl.edu
Office: B3521-10


Dr. Frank Li has been teaching undergraduate and graduate statistics at UHCL for over 20 years and has a passion for helping students learning. His research area includes experimental designs, biostatistics, and statistical computing. He has published a total of 19 refereed articles, 13 of them after joining UHCL.


  • Revisit Kaplan-Meier estimator in estimating QAL survival distribution. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol. 7, 496–504 (2013).
  • Imputation of Mean of Ratios for Missing Data and Its Application to PPSWR Sampling. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Vol. 26, 863 – 874 (2010).
  • Non-Regular Robust Parameter Designs. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, Vol. 1, 399 – 406 (2009).
  • Uniformly Minimum Variance Nonnegative Quadratic Unbiased Estimation in a Generalized Growth Curve Model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 100, 1061 – 1072 (2009).
  • Projection Estimation Capacity of Hadamard Designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 138, 154 – 159 (2008).
  • Equivalence of nonparametric estimators as well as of noninformative censoring conditions. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, Vol. 21, 267 – 279 (2007).
  • Imputation for Missing Data and Variance Estimation when Auxiliary Information Is Incomplete. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, Vol. 1, 83 – 94 (2006).
  • A Note on Non-Identifiability of Mark Survival Function. Nonparametric Statistics, 17, 989 – 994 (2005).
  • Dependency Measures under Bivariate Homogeneous Shock Models. Statistics, 39, 73 – 80 (2005).
  • Estimators for Survival Function When Censoring Times Are Known. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 34, 449 – 459 (2005).
  • Non-Regular Designs from Hadamard Matrices and Their Estimation Capacity. Metrika - Vol. 60, 295 – 303 (2004).

Courses (Current Academic Year)

MATH / STAT 4345: Introduction to Statistics
STAT 5135: Applied Statistical Methods
STAT 4333 / 5533: Statistical Computing

Research Projects

  • Experimental Designs
  • Biostatistics
  • Statistical Computing and Applications