Introducing Facebook Graph API v19.0 and Marketing API v19.0
Home Blog Introducing Facebook Graph API v19.0 and Marketing API v19.0

January 23, 2024

Introducing Facebook Graph API v19.0 and Marketing API v19.0

By Mohamed Amr Abouelhassan

Today, we are releasing Facebook Graph API v19.0 and Marketing API v19.0. As part of this release, we are highlighting changes below that we believe are relevant to parts of our developer community. These changes include announcements, product updates, and notifications on deprecations on relevant application(s) integrations with our platform.

For a complete list of all changes and their details, please visit our changelog .

General Updates

Enabling Advantage Detailed Targeting for All Campaign Objectives and Optimizations

As part of our continued effort to help advertisers drive performance, we are expanding the availability of our Advantage detailed targeting product to all campaign objectives and optimizations.

Advantage detailed targeting is part of our Advantage product suite that leverages advanced automation and machine learning technology to help improve advertiser campaign performance. Specifically, Advantage detailed targeting can help improve campaign performance by allowing our system to reach a broader group of people than are defined in an advertiser’s initial detailed targeting selections, if our system predicts it’s likely to improve performance.

On January 23, 2024 we will roll out the following changes for advertiser and partners using the Marketing API:

  • Campaigns that are optimized for impressions, video views, reach, engagement or ad recall lift will now have the option to opt-in to Advantage detailed targeting.
  • Campaigns that are optimized for leads will have Advantage detailed targeting automatically applied with the option to opt-out.
    • Please note: the opt-in option will be toggled on for new and duplicated campaigns/ad sets, and you can use this toggle to opt-out if you wish.
  • Campaigns that are optimized for link clicks or landing page views will have Advantage detailed targeting automatically applied with no option to opt-out.

For advertisers and partners using the Marketing API, these changes will present a breaking change. Beginning January 23, 2024, developers can start to implement the code changes, and will have until April 22, 2024 to make updates. This change will be released in the new API release V19.

<Impacted endpoints>

Request Type




  • The field ‘targeting_optimization’ won’t be accepted for campaigns that are optimized for link clicks or landing page views. This also applies to previous optimizations that were included in Advantage Detailed Targeting with no option to opt-out including conversions, value, app installs, app events and conversations.
  • The field targeting_as_signal should be either null or 0 for campaigns that are optimized for impressions, video views, reach, engagement, ad recall lift or lead, otherwise an error will be thrown.


  • The field ‘targeting_optimization’ won’t be accepted for campaigns that are optimized for link clicks or landing page views. This also applies to previous optimizations that were included in Advantage Detailed Targeting with no option to opt-out including conversions, value, app installs, app events and conversations.
  • For all optimizations that are opted into Advantage Detailed Targeting with no option to opt-out we will automatically set the targeting_as_signal field to either 1 or 3 based on the set of objectives + optimizations.

Marketing API new ads, ad sets and campaign using original objectives

Beginning with Marketing API v19.0, new ads, ad sets and campaigns using original objectives (listed below) can no longer be created via ad copy. Ad objectives will need to be updated to reflect our simplified objectives .

Starting with Marketing API version 20, creating ads and ad sets under original objective campaigns will no longer be supported. However, any versions of the API prior to v20 (ie. v19, v18) will still allow this functionality. No immediate action is needed for existing ads using original objectives.

Impacted original objectives


Impacted POST endpoints

  • /{ad_id}/copies
  • /{campaign_id}/copies
  • /{adset_id}/copies

For reference, here is the previous developer blog post regarding API changes to campaign creation using original objectives.


Q: Does this change require an update in the code?

A: Yes, there are multiple API calls for V18 that will not work on V19 (ie. new ad, ad set and campaign using original objectives won’t be available to be created via ad copy).

Q: What is the expected behavior before and after the change?

A: Before, the API calls to duplicate an ad, ad set or campaign using original objectives would succeed, now they will fail.

Q: What is the timeline to implement the code changes?

A: Until the deprecation of v18.0, to happen tentatively in September 2024.

Additional developer documentation

Help articles

PPCA (Page Public Content Access permission)

The use case for data collected with the use of PPCA (Page Public Content Access permission) has changed. For details see the following link .

Introducing Advantage+ audience API

In October last year, we launched Advantage+ audience , a new and simplified audience creation experience that helps increase campaign performance by broadening the audience an ad will potentially be delivered to, while still delivering ads to the people advertisers want to reach most.

We are now releasing Advantage+ audience on the Marketing API.

  • To opt in, set the targeting_automation parameter within advantage_audience to 1.
  • To opt out, set the targeting_automation parameter within advantage_audience to 0.

Deprecations & Breaking Changes

Deprecating Facebook Groups API

The Facebook Groups API is deprecated in v19 and in 90 days will be removed from all versions. This deprecation includes all Permissions (publish_to_groups, groups_access_member_info) and Reviewable Features (Groups API) associated with the Facebook Groups API .

A major use case for the Groups API was Private Replies in groups . We're rolling out another change in v19 which will enable that use case without developers needing to use the Groups API at all. For most Private Replies developers, there will be no changes to make in v19. For developers that were relying on calls to the Groups Post endpoints through Groups API after receiving a Private Replies webhook, those developers will now need to ensure they're using a Page Access Token for those requests.

Developers unsure whether their endpoints use a deprecated permission can verify this by testing the endpoints in Version 19.0

Page Insights API changes - Metrics deprecation

As we migrate from Classic Pages to the new Page experience on Facebook, we will be deprecating a number of Page Insights API metrics. For more information see this link .

API Version Deprecations:

As part of Facebook’s versioning schedule for Graph API and Marketing API , please note the upcoming deprecations:

Graph API

  • February 8, 2024: Graph API v12.0 will be deprecated and removed from the platform
  • May 28, 2024: Graph API v13.0 will be deprecated and removed from the platform
  • September 17, 2024: Graph API v14.0 will be deprecated and removed from the platform

Marketing API

  • February 06, 2024: Marketing API v16.0 will be deprecated and removed from the platform
  • May 14, 2024: Marketing API v17.0 will be deprecated and removed from the platform

To avoid disruption to your business, we recommend migrating all calls to the latest API version that launched today.

Meta Business SDK

Meta Business SDK v19 Release

The Meta Business SDK v19 release will be published shortly after the release of Graph API v19. This release will include bug fixes, dependency upgrades, new features, and most importantly, an updated API interface to match Graph API v19. In the future, we plan to have more frequent SDK releases to align with the cadence of API updates. This will enable developers to stay up-to-date with the latest APIs, functionalities, and features.

As part of our 2-year deprecation schedule for Platform SDKs, please note the upcoming deprecations and sunsets:

  • February 2024: Facebook Platform SDK v12.0 or below will be sunset

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