Fire Pixel Events - Meta Business Extension - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Fire Pixel Events

The Facebook pixel and the Conversions API let you share standard and custom events (customers activity) with Facebook so you can measure and optimize ad performance.

  • The Facebook pixel: lets you share key web events from your websites(via browser).
  • The Conversions API: lets you share key web and offline events, or customer actions, directly from your server(via API).

These two tools help businesses improve targeting for new customers, increase online transactions, and directly measure how their Facebook Business Extension integration is helping boost business outcomes. Therefore, Facebook requires that you accurately fire Facebook pixel and Conversions API events for every FBE-integrated business on your platform.

For the Conversions API, a Facebook app is required with the following access level, feature and permissions:

  • Access Level: Advanced Access
  • Feature: Ads Management Standard Access
  • Public Permissions: ads_management , pages_read_engagement , and ads_read
  • System User Access Token: Sending events to the Conversions API requires an access token. To generate an access token on behalf of the client, use the access token returned via FBE and convert it into a System User Access Token by making an additional API call.

Follow the Conversions API as a Platform guide to start sending events on behalf of your businesses.

FBE-Supported Verticals and Standard Events

Depending on the FBE vertical your integration is supporting, you have to fire different required and optional standard events.

Once you get the pixel ID from the Webhook or the fbe_business/fbe_installs endpoint, you must implement the standard events on your business site as follows:

  1. Maintain a mapping of each fbe_external_business_id to it's pixel ID (received via Webhook or fbe_business/fbe_installs ).
  2. Implement the pixel on your platform, and fire all standard events supported by Facebook per business.
Vertical Required Optional


Purchase , PageView

AddToCart , ViewContent


Schedule , PageView

AddToCart , ViewContent


Purchase , PageView


Purchase and AddToCart Events

  • contents —Required to enable Advantage+ catalog ads. contents is an array of objects that must include:
  • ID: product_id is the same as the content_id’s
  • Quantity: Quantity of that specific product
  • Value—Type: float . For Purchase events, the value of the item purchased. For AddToCart events, the value of the items added to cart.

ViewContent Event

  • content_ids - The event requires a specific product ID to be passed in to enable Advantage+ catalog ads.
  • agent - include the agent string in every pixel fire. The string helps our systems analyze downstream pixel traffic. The agent string can be passed in as the 4th parameter in the fbq . It's a FB and partner defined string. For example:
fbq('init', '<pixel_id>', {<pii_data>}, {'agent':'<platform_name>'});

We recommend that you enable advanced pixel matching in pixel fires. We have seen higher match rates via automatic advanced matching.

Next Steps


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