Facebook SDK for Android Reference - Documentation - Meta for Developers
Facebook SDK for Android Reference  (v3.22)
Name Description
AccessToken This class represents an access token returned by the Facebook Login service, along with associated metadata such as its expiration date and permissions
AccessTokenSource Indicates where a Facebook access token was obtained from
AppEventsConstants Predefined event and parameter names for logging events common to many apps
AppEventsLogger The AppEventsLogger class allows the developer to log various types of events back to Facebook
AppEventsLogger.FlushBehavior Controls when an AppEventsLogger sends log events to the server
AppLinkData Class to encapsulate an app link, and provide methods for constructing the data from various sources
AsyncFacebookRunner A sample implementation of asynchronous API requests
DialogError Encapsulation of Dialog Error
FacebookAppLinkResolver Provides an implementation for the AppLinkResolver interface that uses the Facebook App Link index to solve App Links, given a Url
FacebookBroadcastReceiver This class implements a simple BroadcastReceiver designed to listen for broadcast notifications from the Facebook app
FacebookDialog.Builder Provides a base class for various FacebookDialog builders
FacebookDialog.MessageDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Message dialog
FacebookDialog.MessageDialogFeature Defines a set of features that may be supported by the native Message dialog exposed by the Facebook Messenger application
FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Open Graph action publish dialog
FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogFeature Defines a set of features that may be supported by the native Open Graph dialogs exposed by the Facebook application
FacebookDialog.OpenGraphMessageDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Open Graph action message dialog
FacebookDialog.OpenGraphMessageDialogFeature Defines a set of features that may be supported by the native Open Graph Message dialogs exposed by the Facebook application
FacebookDialog.PendingCall Encapsulates information about a call being made to the Facebook application for Android
FacebookDialog.PhotoMessageDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Message dialog for sharing photos
FacebookDialog.PhotoShareDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Share dialog for sharing photos
FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Share dialog
FacebookDialog.ShareDialogFeature Defines a set of features that may be supported by the native Share dialog exposed by the Facebook application
FacebookDialog.VideoMessageDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Message dialog for sharing videos
FacebookDialog.VideoShareDialogBuilder Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Share dialog for sharing videos
FacebookRequestError This class represents an error that occurred during a Facebook request
FacebookRequestError.Category An enum that represents the Facebook SDK classification for the error that occurred
FbDialog This class is deprecated
FriendPickerFragment Provides a Fragment that displays a list of a user's friends and allows one or more of the friends to be selected
GraphObject.Factory Creates proxies that implement GraphObject, GraphObjectList, and their derived types
HttpMethod Enumeration of HTTP methods supported by Request
InsightsLogger This class is deprecated
LegacyHelper LegacyHelper is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook SDK for Android
LikeView This class provides the UI for displaying the Facebook Like button and its associated components
LikeView.AuxiliaryViewPosition Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:auxiliary_view_position attribute for a LikeView
LikeView.HorizontalAlignment Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:horizontal_alignment attribute for a LikeView
LikeView.Style Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:style attribute for a LikeView
LoggingBehavior Specifies different categories of logging messages that can be generated
LoginActivity This Activity is a necessary part of the overall Facebook login process but is not meant to be used directly
LoginButton A Log In/Log Out button that maintains session state and logs in/out for the app
NativeAppCallAttachmentStore This class works in conjunction with NativeAppCallContentProvider to allow apps to attach binary attachments (e
NativeAppCallContentProvider Implements a ContentProvider that can be used to provide binary attachments (e
NonCachingTokenCachingStrategy Implements a trivial TokenCachingStrategy that does not actually cache any tokens
OpenGraphAction.Factory Exposes helpers for creating instances of OpenGraphAction
OpenGraphObject.Factory Exposes helpers for creating instances of OpenGraphObject
PickerFragment Provides functionality common to SDK UI elements that allow the user to pick one or more graph objects (e
ProfilePictureView View that displays the profile photo of a supplied profile ID, while conforming to user specified dimensions
Request A single request to be sent to the Facebook Platform through the Graph API
RequestAsyncTask Defines an AsyncTask suitable for executing a Request in the background
RequestBatch RequestBatch contains a list of Request objects that can be sent to Facebook in a single round-trip
Response Encapsulates the response, successful or otherwise, of a call to the Facebook platform
Response.PagingDirection Indicates whether paging is being done forward or backward
Session Session is used to authenticate a user and manage the user's session with Facebook
Session.AuthorizationRequest Base class for authorization requests Session
Session.Builder Builder class used to create a Session
Session.NewPermissionsRequest A request to be used to request new permissions for a Session
Session.OpenRequest A request used to open a Session
SessionDefaultAudience Certain operations such as publishing a status or publishing a photo require an audience
SessionLoginBehavior Specifies the behaviors to try during openForRead
SessionState Identifies the state of a Session
Settings Allows some customization of sdk behavior
TestSession Implements an subclass of Session that knows about test users for a particular application
TokenCachingStrategy A base class for implementations of a Session token cache
UiLifecycleHelper This class helps to create, automatically open (if applicable), save, and restore the Active Session in a way that is similar to Android UI lifecycles
UserSettingsFragment A Fragment that displays a Login/Logout button as well as the user's profile picture and name when logged in
Util Utility class supporting the Facebook Object
WebDialog This class provides a mechanism for displaying Facebook Web dialogs inside a Dialog
WebDialog.Builder Provides a builder that allows construction of an arbitrary Facebook web dialog
WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder Provides a builder that allows construction of the parameters for showing the Feed Dialog
WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder Provides a builder that allows construction of the parameters for showing the Requests Dialog
Name Description
AppLinkData.CompletionHandler Interface to asynchronously receive AppLinkData after it has been fetched
AsyncFacebookRunner.RequestListener Callback interface for API requests
CreateGraphObject Use this annotation setters in an interface that derives from GraphObject, if you wish to provide a setter that takes a primitive data type (e
Facebook.DialogListener Callback interface for dialog requests
Facebook.ServiceListener Callback interface for service requests
FacebookDialog.Callback Defines a callback interface that will be called when the user completes interacting with a Facebook dialog, or if an error occurs
FacebookDialog.DialogFeature Provides an interface for describing a specific feature provided by a FacebookDialog
GraphLocation Provides a strongly-typed representation of a Location as defined by the Graph API
GraphMultiResult Defines a GraphObject that represents the result of a query that returns multiple GraphObjects nested under a "data" property
GraphObject GraphObject is the primary interface used by the Facebook SDK for Android to represent objects in the Facebook Social Graph and the Facebook Open Graph (OG)
GraphObjectList GraphObjectList is the primary representation of a collection of graph objects in the Facebook SDK for Android
GraphPlace Provides a strongly-typed representation of a Place as defined by the Graph API
GraphUser Provides a strongly-typed representation of a User as defined by the Graph API
LikeView.OnErrorListener Callback interface that will be called when a network or other error is encountered while logging in
LoginButton.OnErrorListener Callback interface that will be called when a network or other error is encountered while logging in
LoginButton.UserInfoChangedCallback Specifies a callback interface that will be called when the button's notion of the current user changes (if the fetch_user_info attribute is true for this control)
OpenGraphAction Provides a strongly-typed representation of an Open Graph Action
OpenGraphObject Provides a strongly-typed representation of an Open Graph Object
PickerFragment.GraphObjectFilter Callback interface that will be called to determine if a graph object should be displayed
PickerFragment.OnDataChangedListener Callback interface that will be called when the underlying data being displayed in the picker has been updated
PickerFragment.OnDoneButtonClickedListener Callback interface that will be called when the user clicks the Done button on the title bar
PickerFragment.OnErrorListener Callback interface that will be called when a network or other error is encountered while retrieving graph objects
PickerFragment.OnSelectionChangedListener Callback interface that will be called when the user selects or unselects graph objects in the picker
ProfilePictureView.OnErrorListener Callback interface that will be called when a network or other error is encountered while retrieving profile pictures
PropertyName Use this annotation on getters and setters in an interface that derives from GraphObject, if you wish to override the default property name that is inferred from the name of the method
Request.Callback Specifies the interface that consumers of the Request class can implement in order to be notified when a particular request completes, either successfully or with an error
Request.GraphPlaceListCallback Specifies the interface that consumers of Request
Request.GraphUserCallback Specifies the interface that consumers of Request
Request.GraphUserListCallback Specifies the interface that consumers of Request
Request.OnProgressCallback Specifies the interface that consumers of the Request class can implement in order to be notified when a progress is made on a particular request
RequestBatch.Callback Specifies the interface that consumers of the RequestBatch class can implement in order to be notified when the entire batch completes execution
RequestBatch.OnProgressCallback Specifies the interface that consumers of the RequestBatch class can implement in order to be notified when the batch makes progress
Session.StatusCallback Provides asynchronous notification of Session state changes
WebDialog.OnCompleteListener Interface that implements a listener to be called when the user's interaction with the dialog completes, whether because the dialog finished successfully, or it was cancelled, or an error was encountered
Name Description
FacebookAuthorizationException An Exception indicating that a Session failed to open or obtain new permissions
FacebookDialogException Represents an error condition relating to displaying a Facebook Web dialog
FacebookError Encapsulation of a Facebook Error: a Facebook request that could not be fulfilled
FacebookException Represents an error condition specific to the Facebook SDK for Android
FacebookGraphObjectException Represents an error specific to the GraphObject class
FacebookOperationCanceledException An Exception indicating that an operation was canceled before it completed
FacebookServiceException Represents an error returned from the Facebook service in response to a request
Audience Network Classes
Name Description
AdError AdError contains the error information returned by Facebook
AdSettings AdSettings contains global settings for all ad controls
AdSize AdSize is the dimension of the ad control
AdView AdView displays advertisements by Facebook
InterstitialAd InterstitialAd displays an advertisement by Facebook in an interstitial
InterstitialAdActivity InterstitialAdActivity is the Android activity used by InterstitialAd to display ad
NativeAd NativeAd provides ad creative for apps to rendered in custom layout
NativeAd.Image Image creative
NativeAd.Rating Rating info
Audience Network Interfaces
Name Description
Ad Ad interface is a common interface implemented by all Facebook ad controls
AdListener AdListener interface is notified of events in ad control lifecycle
ImpressionListener ImpressionListener interface is notified of impression events in ad control lifecycle
InterstitialAdListener InterstitialAdListener interface is notified of events in InterstitialAd lifecycle
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