Two-Step Verification - On-Premises API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

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Two-Step Verification


Use two-step verification to add an extra layer of security to the WhatsApp Business API Client. When you have two-step verification enabled, any attempt to register your phone number on WhatsApp must be accompanied by the six-digit PIN that you create using this feature. Two-step verification can be enabled and disabled using the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint.

Before You Start

You must use the admin account to access the two-step verification settings.


To enable two-step verification, use the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint with the pin parameter.


POST /v1/settings/account/two-step
    "pin": " your-6-digit-pin 

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK and either null or {} . If you encounter any errors, see Error and Status Messages .


To disable two-step verification, make a DELETE call to the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint.


DELETE /v1/settings/account/two-step

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK and either null or {} . If you encounter any errors, see Error and Status Messages .

Resetting your PIN

If you forget or misplace your PIN, you can disable two-step verification, and then enable it again with a new PIN.

Using the Two-Step Verification PIN in Registration

If you are trying to re-register while the account has two-step verification enabled, include the pin parameter in the registration request. For more details on registration with two-step verification enabled, see the Registration documentation .

Changing Your Two-Step Verification PIN

To change your business phone number's two-step verification PIN:

  1. Load the WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) associated with the phone number in WhatsApp Manager . See WhatsApp Manager if you have multiple portfolios and WABAs.
  2. Mousever the menu on the left and navigate to Account tools> Phone numbers.
  3. Use the dropdown menu on the top-right to select the WABA associated with the phone number, if necessary.
  4. Click the phone number's settings (gear) icon.
  5. Click Two-step verification.
  6. Click Change PINand complete the flow.

You must supply your current PIN in order to change it. Note that you can also set a new PIN using our APIs:

Disabling Two-Step Verification

To disable two-step verification, follow the steps for changing your PIN, but click the Turn off two-step verificationbutton as the final step instead. An email with a link will be sent to the email address associated with your business portfolio. Use the link to disable two-step verification. Once disabled, you can re-enable it by setting a new PIN.

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