Components - WhatsApp Business Management API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Template Components

Templates are made up of four primary components which you define when you create a template: header, body, footer, and buttons. The components you choose for each of your templates should be based on your business needs. The only required component is the body component.

Some components support variables, whose values you can supply when using the Cloud API or On-Premises API to send the template in a template message. If your templates use variables, you must include sample variable values upon template creation.

Note that on May 1, 2023, templates categorized as AUTHENTICATION will be limited to specific components. See Authentication Templates .


Headers are optional components that appear at the top of template messages. Headers support text, media (images, videos, documents), and locations. Templates are limited to one header component.

Text Headers


  "type": "HEADER",
  "format": "TEXT",
  "text": "<TEXT>",

  # Required if <TEXT> string contains variables
  "example": {
    "header_text": [


Placeholder Description Example Value


Sample header text.

Summer Sale


Text to appear in template header when sent. Supports 1 variable.

If the string contains a variable, you must include the example property and a sample variable value.

60 characters maximum.

Our {{1}} is on!


  "type": "HEADER",
  "format": "TEXT",
  "text": "Our {{1}} is on!",
  "example": {
    "header_text": [
      "Summer Sale"

Media Headers

Media headers can be an image, video, or a document such as a PDF. All media must be uploaded with the Resumable Upload API . The syntax for defining a media header is the same for all media types.


  "type": "HEADER",
  "format": "<FORMAT>",
  "example": {
    "header_handle": [


Placeholder Description Example Value


Indicates media asset type. Set to IMAGE , VIDEO , or DOCUMENT .



Uploaded media asset handle. Use the Resumable Upload API to generate an asset handle.



  "type": "HEADER",
  "format": "IMAGE",
  "example": {
    "header_handle": [

Location Headers

Location headers appear as generic maps at the top of the template and are useful for order tracking, delivery updates, ride hailing pickup/dropoff, locating physical stores, etc. When tapped, the app user's default map app will open and load the specified location. Locations are specified when you send the template using the Cloud API or On-Premises API .

Location headers can only be used in templates categorized as UTILITY or MARKETING . Real-time locations are not supported.


  "type": "HEADER",
  "format": "LOCATION"


Property values cannot be customized.


  "type": "HEADER",
  "format": "LOCATION"


Body components are text-only components and are required by all templates. Templates are limited to one body component.


  "type": "BODY",
  "text": "<TEXT>",
  # Required if <TEXT> string contains variables
  "example": {
    "body_text": [


Placeholder Description Example Value


Array of sample strings. Number of strings must match the number of variables included in the string.

"the end of August","25OFF","25%"


Text string. Supports multiple variables.

If the string contains variables, you must include the example property and sample variable values.

1024 characters maximum.

Shop now through {{1}} and use code {{2}} to get {{3}} off of all merchandise.


  "type": "BODY",
  "text": "Shop now through {{1}} and use code {{2}} to get {{3}} off of all merchandise.",
    "example": {
      "body_text": [
          "the end of August","25OFF","25%"


Footers are optional text-only components that appear immediately after the body component. Templates are limited to one footer component.


  "type": "FOOTER",
  "text": "<TEXT>"


Placeholder Description Example Value


Text to appear in template footer when sent.

60 characters maximum.

Use the buttons below to manage your marketing subscriptions


  "type": "FOOTER",
  "text": "Use the buttons below to manage your marketing subscriptions"


Buttons are optional interactive components that perform specific actions when tapped. Templates can have a mixture of up to 10 button components total, although there are limits to individual buttons of the same type as well as combination limits. These limits are described below.

Buttons are defined within a single buttons component object, packed into a single buttons array. For example, this template uses a phone number button and a URL button:

  "type": "BUTTONS",
  "buttons": [
      "type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
      "text": "Call",
      "phone_number": "15550051310"
      "type": "URL",
      "text": "Shop Now",
      "url": "https://www.luckyshrub.com/shop/"

If a template has more than three buttons, two buttons will appear in the delivered message and the remaining buttons will be replaced with a See all optionsbutton. Tapping the See all optionsbutton reveals the remaining buttons.

Phone Number Buttons

Phone number buttons call the specified business phone number when tapped by the app user. Templates are limited to one phone number button.


  "type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "text": "<TEXT>",
  "phone_number": "<PHONE_NUMBER>"


Placeholder Description Example Value


Alphanumeric string. Business phone number to be (display phone number) called when the user taps the button.

20 characters maximum.



Button label text.

25 characters maximum.



  "type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "text": "Call",
  "phone_number": "15550051310"

URL Buttons

URL buttons load the specified URL in the device's default web browser when tapped by the app user. Templates are limited to two URL buttons.


  "type": "URL",
  "text": "<TEXT>",
  "url": "<URL>",

  # Required if <URL> contains a variable
  "example": [


Placeholder Description Example Value


URL of website. Supports 1 variable.

If using a variable, add sample variable property to the end of the URL string. The URL loads in the device's default mobile web browser when the customer taps the button.

2000 characters maximum.



Button label text. Supports 1 variable.

If using a variable, must include the example property and a sample value.

25 characters maximum.

Shop Now


URL of website that loads in the device's default mobile web browser when the button is tapped by the app user.

Supports 1 variable, appended to the end of the URL string.

2000 characters maximum.



  "type": "URL",
  "text": "Shop Now",
  "url": "https://www.luckyshrub.com/shop?promo={{1}}",
  "example": [

Quick Reply Buttons

Quick reply buttons are custom text-only buttons that immediately message you with the specified text string when tapped by the app user. A common use case-case is a button that allows your customer to easily opt-out of any marketing messages.

Templates are limited to 10 quick reply buttons. If using quick reply buttons with other buttons, buttons must be organized into two groups: quick reply buttons and non-quick reply buttons. If grouped incorrectly, the API will return an error indicating an invalid combination.

Examples of valid groupings:

  • Quick Reply, Quick Reply
  • Quick Reply, Quick Reply, URL, Phone
  • URL, Phone, Quick Reply, Quick Reply

Examples of invalid groupings:

  • Quick Reply, URL, Quick Reply
  • URL, Quick Reply, URL

When using the Cloud API or On-Premises API to send a template that has multiple quick reply buttons, you can use the index property to designate the order in which buttons appear in the template message.


  "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
  "text": "<TEXT>"


Placeholder Description Example Value


Button label text.

25 characters maximum.



  "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
  "text": "Unsubscribe from Promos"

Copy Code Buttons

Copy code buttons copy a text string (defined when the template is sent in a template message) to the device's clipboard when tapped by the app user. Templates are limited to one copy code button.


  "type": "COPY_CODE",
  "example": "<EXAMPLE>"


Placeholder Description Example Value


String to be copied to device's clipboard when tapped by the app user.

Maximum 15 characters.



  "type": "COPY_CODE",
  "example": "250FF"

OTP Buttons

One-time password (OTP) buttons are a special type of URL button component used with authentication templates. See Authentication Templates .

Flows Buttons

Flows buttons are for sending Flows Messages as templates. Templates are limited to one Flows button.

Flow can be quickly build in the playground and attached as JSON, or an existing Flow ID can be specified.


  "type": "FLOW",
  "text": "<TEXT>",
  "flow_id": "<FLOW_ID>",
  "flow_json": "<FLOW_JSON>", 
  "flow_action": "<FLOW_ACTION>",
  "navigate_screen": "<NAVIGATE_SCREEN>"


Placeholder Description Example Value


Button label text.

25 characters maximum.

Sign up


Unique identifier of the Flow provided by WhatsApp. The Flow must be published.

Cannot be used if the FLOW_JSON attribute is provided. Only one of the parameters is allowed.



The Flow JSON encoded as string specifying the layout of the flow to be attached to the Template. The Flow JSON can be quickly generated in the Flow playground . For full reference see Flow JSON documentation

Cannot be used if the FLOW_ID attribute is provided. Only one of the parameters is allowed.

"{\"version\": \"3.1\", \"screens\": [...]}"


navigate or data_exchange . Use navigate to predefine the first screen as part of the template message. Use data_exchange for advanced use-cases where the first screen is provided by your endpoint .

Default: navigate



Required only if flow_action is navigate . The id of the first screen of the Flow.



  "type": "FLOW",
  "text": "Sign up",
  "flow_action": "navigate",
  "navigate_screen": "WELCOME_SCREEN"
  "flow_json" : {
    "version": "3.1",
    "screens": [
            "id": "WELCOME_SCREEN",
            "layout": {
                "type": "SingleColumnLayout",
                "children": [
                        "type": "TextHeading",
                        "text": "Hello World"
                        "type": "TextBody",
                        "text": "Let's start building things!"
                        "type": "Footer",
                        "label": "Complete",
                        "on-click-action": {
                            "name": "complete",
                            "payload": {}
            "title": "Welcome",
            "terminal": true,
            "success": true,
            "data": {}

Limited-Time Offer

Limited-Time Offer components are special components used to create limited-time offer templates .

Example Requests

Seasonal Promotion

An example request to create a marketing template with the following components:

  • a text header with a variable and sample value
  • a text body with variables and sample values
  • a text footer
  • two quick-reply buttons
curl -L 'https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 
/102290129340398/message_templates' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
  "name": "seasonal_promotion",
  "language": "en_US",
  "category": "MARKETING",
  "components": [
      "type": "HEADER",
      "format": "TEXT",
      "text": "Our {{1}} is on!",
      "example": {
        "header_text": [
          "Summer Sale"
      "type": "BODY",
      "text": "Shop now through {{1}} and use code {{2}} to get {{3}} off of all merchandise.",
      "example": {
        "body_text": [
            "the end of August","25OFF","25%"
      "type": "FOOTER",
      "text": "Use the buttons below to manage your marketing subscriptions"
      "buttons": [
          "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
          "text": "Unsubscribe from Promos"
          "text": "Unsubscribe from All"

Order Confirmation

An example request to create a utility template with the following components:

  • a document header with a sample value
  • a text body with variables and sample values
  • a phone number button
  • a URL button
curl -L 'https://graph.facebook.com/v16.0/102290129340398/message_templates' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
  "name": "order_confirmation",
  "language": "en_US",
  "category": "UTILITY",
  "components": [
      "type": "HEADER",
      "format": "DOCUMENT",
      "example": {
        "header_handle": [
      "type": "BODY",
      "text": "Thank you for your order, {{1}}! Your order number is {{2}}. Tap the PDF linked above to view your receipt. If you have any questions, please use the buttons below to contact support. Thank you for being a customer!",
      "example": {
        "body_text": [
      "type": "BUTTONS",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "text": "Call",
          "phone_number": "15550051310"
          "type": "URL",
          "text": "Contact Support",
          "url": "https://www.luckyshrub.com/support"

Order Delivery Update

An example request to create a utility template with the following components:

  • a location header
  • a text body with variables and sample values
  • a footer
  • a quick reply button
curl 'https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 
/102290129340398/message_templates' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...' \
-d '
  "name": "order_delivery_update",
  "language": "en_US",
  "category": "UTILITY",
  "components": [
      "type": "HEADER",
      "format": "LOCATION"
      "type": "BODY",
      "text": "Good news {{1}}! Your order #{{2}} is on its way to the location above. Thank you for your order!",
      "example": {
        "body_text": [
      "type": "FOOTER",
      "text": "To stop receiving delivery updates, tap the button below."
      "buttons": [
          "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
          "text": "Stop Delivery Updates"

Component Update Webhook

Subscribe to the message_template_components_update webhook field to receive notification of changes to a template's components, like a change in title or body, or an addition of a button.

Webhook Response Shape

"message_template_id": <id>,
"message_template_name": <string>,
"message_template_language": <string>,
"message_template_title": <string>,
"message_template_element": <string>,
"message_template_footer": <string>,
"message_template_buttons": [
    "message_template_button_type": <string>,
    "message_template_button_text": <string>,
    "message_template_button_url": <string>,
    "message_template_button_phone_number": <string>

Example Webhook Response

"message_template_id": 1234567890,
"message_template_name": “promo_summer_sale_11_en”,
"message_template_language": “en_US”,
"message_template_title": “header”,
"message_template_element": “body”,
"message_template_footer": “footer”,
"message_template_buttons": [
    "message_template_button_type": URL,
    "message_template_button_text": “click me”,
    "message_template_button_url": “https://www.example.com”,
    "message_template_button_phone_number": “+1(123)4565678”

Webhook Response Fields

Field Description



The template ID.



The template name.



The template language



The new template header after the change.

Remains empty if the user did not enter a header.



The new template body after the change.

Remains empty if the user did not enter new body text.



The new template footer after the change.

Remains empty if the user did not enter new footer text.


Array [Button]

The new list of buttons on the template after the change.

Only URL type and Phone number type buttons are supported for this webhook.

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