Registering Phone Numbers - WhatsApp Business Platform - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Registering Phone Numbers

This document explains how to programmatically register business phone numbers on WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABA).

Registering phone numbers is a four step process:

  1. Create the number on a WABA.
  2. Get a verification code for that number.
  3. Use the code to verify the number.
  4. Register the verified number for use with Cloud API or On-Premises API.

These steps are described below.

Note that Embedded Signup performs steps 1-3 automatically(unless you've disabled phone number selection ) so you only need to perform step 4 when an end client completes the flow. If you have disabled phone number selection, however, you must perform all 4 steps.

You can also perform all 4 steps repeatedly to register business phone numbers in bulk.


Business phone numbers must meet our phone number requirements .

Step 1: Create the phone number

Send a POST request to the WhatsApp Business Account > Phone Numbers endpoint to create a business phone number on a WABA.

Request Syntax


Post Body

  "cc": "<CC>",
  "phone_number": "<PHONE_NUMBER>",
  "verified_name": "<VERIFIED_NAME>"

Body Properties

Placeholder Description Example Value




The phone number's country calling code.





The phone number, with or without the country calling code.





The phone number's display name .

Lucky Shrub


Upon success, the API returns a business phone number ID. Capture this ID for use in the next step.

  "id": "<ID>"

Response Properties

Placeholder Description Example Value


An unverified WhatsApp Business Phone Number ID.


Example Request

curl 'https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 
/102290129340398/phone_numbers' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAH7...' \
-d '{
    "cc": "1",
    "phone_number": "14195551518",
    "verified_name": "Lucky Shrub"

Example Response

  "id": "110200345501442"

Step 2: Request a verification code

Send a POST request to the WhatsApp Business Phone Number > Request Code endpoint to have a verification code sent to the business phone number.

Request Syntax


Query String Parameters

Placeholder Description Example Value



Indicates how you want the verification code delivered to the business phone number. Values can be SMS or VOICE .




Indicates language used in delivered verification code.



  "success": <SUCCESS>

Response Properties

Placeholder Description Example Value


Boolean indicating success or failure.

Upon success, the API will respond with true and a verification code will be sent to the business phone number using the method specified in your request.


Example Request

curl -X POST 'https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 
/110200345501442/request_code?code_method=SMS&language=en_US' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...'

Example Response

  "success": true

Example SMS Delivery

Example of an SMS message in English containing a verification code, delivered to a business phone number:

WhatsApp code 123-830

Step 3: Verify the number

Send a POST request to the WhatsApp Business Phone Number > Verify Code endpoint to verify the business phone number, using the verification code contained in the SMS or voice message delivered to the number.

Request Syntax


Query String Parameters

Placeholder Description Example Value




Verification code, without the hyphen.



  "success": <SUCCESS>

Response Properties

Placeholder Description Example Value


Boolean indicating success or failure.

Upon success, the API will respond with true , indicating that the business phone number has been verified.


Example Request

curl -X POST 'https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 
/110200345501442/verify_code?code=123830' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...'

Example Response

  "success": true

Step 4: Register the number

Send a POST request to the WhatsApp Business Phone Number > Register endpoint to register the business phone number for use with Cloud API.

If registering the business phone number for use with On-Premises API, see the On-Premises API Account endpoint reference for instructions.

Request Syntax


Post Body

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "pin": "<PIN>"

Body Properties

Placeholder Description Example Value




If the verified business phone number already has two-step verification enabled, set this value to the number's 6-digit two-step verification PIN. If you do not recall the PIN, you can update it.

If the verified business phone number does not have two-step verification enabled, set this value to a 6-digit number. This will be the business phone number's two-step verification PIN.



Upon success, the API will respond with true , indicating successful registration.

  "success": <SUCCESS>

Response Properties

Placeholder Description Example Value


Boolean indicating success or failure.

Upon success, the API will respond with true , indicating successful registration.


Example Request

curl 'https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 
/110200345501442/register' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...' \
-d '
  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "pin": "123456"

Example Response

  "success": true
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