Report Content on Facebook
Note: This information is for people who want to report content (such as a post, photo, comment, etc.) on Facebook.
If you're having other issues, such as trouble logging into your account or if you think you've been hacked, learn more about what steps you can take.
The best way to report abusive content or spam on Facebook is by using the Report link near the content itself. Below are some examples of how you can report content to us. Learn more about reporting abuse .
If you don't have an account or can't see the content you'd like to report (example: someone blocked you), learn what you can do .
Report Content

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Posts on Your Timeline

Photos and Videos






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Special Types of Reports

How do I report a child under the age of 13 on Facebook

Report convicted sex offenders on Facebook

What should I do if I see images on Facebook of a child being physically abused or sexually exploited?

What should I do if someone posts something on Facebook related to human trafficking?

Review, remove or report what your child sees on Messenger Kids

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