See metrics about your Page's events

Classic Pages on Facebook are updating to the new Pages experience . You’ll still have access to many of the same features to manage your professional presence, build your brand or business, grow your audience and connect with followers. Your content, insights, ads, Likes and followers will automatically transfer when your Page updates.
To see metrics about your Page's events, click Professional dashboard in the left menu of your Page, then click Events on the left. From here, you can see metrics for all your Page's events:
Events : The number of events hosted including as a cohost.
People Reached : The number of people who had info about any of your Page's events enter their screen.
Responses : The number of people who responded Interested or Going to the event.
Ticket Clicks : The total number of clicks on the link to tickets to your events.
At the bottom, you can see metrics about individual events that are upcoming or happened in the past, such as budget spend, reach, responses, and ticket clicks.
Note: Metrics about your Page's events include data from January 20, 2016 or later.
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