What happens when I submit a trademark report to Meta?

If you submitted a trademark report to us through our online form or via email, you’ll receive an automated message that contains information about your report, including a unique report number. You should save this number in case you need to contact us about your report.
Sometimes, we might respond to your report and ask for more information. If you receive a message from our team you should respond directly to that message. Your response will be received by our team so they can continue to look into your report.
Please note that we regularly provide the person who posted the content with the following information about your report:
Report number
Rights owner's name
Email address provided by the reporting party
Details of the report
Instructions on how to submit an appeal
The person whose content was removed may contact you with the information you provide. For this reason, you may want to provide a valid generic business or professional email address in your report.
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