Am I Pregnant?

Do any of these sound familiar?

I’ve missed a period.

A delayed or missed menstruation (period) is often the first clue that a woman might be pregnant.  Some women spot or bleed early in pregnancy.  Light spotting might be one of the first signs of pregnancy.  Known as implantation bleeding, spotting happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.  This happens about 10 to 14 days after conception.  Implantation bleeding occurs around the time you would expect to have a menstrual period.  However, not all women experience spotting.

I feel like throwing up sometimes.

Nausea, sometimes referred to as “morning sickness”,  with or without vomiting can occur at any time of the day or night.  Symptoms often begin one or two months after you become pregnant.  However, some women feel nausea earlier in pregnancy and some never experience it.

My breasts feel tender.

Tender, swollen breasts are sometimes experienced in early pregnancy.  Hormonal changes can make your breasts sensitive and sore.  This discomfort should decrease after a few weeks as your body adjusts to hormonal changes.

I have to pee more often.

Increased urination can be a symptom of early pregnancy.  You might find yourself making a few extra trips to the bathroom during the day. A pregnant woman’s blood volume increases during pregnancy, causing her kidneys to process extra fluid in her bladder.

I’m more tired than usual.

No one knows for certain what causes sleepiness, or fatigue, during the first trimester of pregnancy.  However, a rapid rise in the levels of the hormone progesterone during early pregnancy might contribute to fatigue.

I’m having mood swings.

Moodiness can also be a symptom of early pregnancy.  The flood of hormones in your body during the first trimester can make a pregnant woman unusually emotional and weepy.  Mood swings are also common.  If you are experiencing a prolonged period of depression or anxiety, contact your healthcare provider.

Although not everyone experiences these signs, the symptoms above are commonly associated with early pregnancy. 1

Many at-home pregnancy tests are very reliable, but only a physician or other appropriate healthcare professional can confirm that you are pregnant.  We Care offers no cost pregnancy tests and pregnancy confirmation at our clinic.  Our services are completely confidential.

Call or text to schedule your appointment today

  Call:  (815) 748-4242

Text:  (815) 780-9097