3 Types of Weapons You’ll Definitely Want in the Apocalypse

Scientists have worked out that after just three months of an apocalypse, things would be looking pretty dim for humanity, with  only 300 people left alive . This data doesn’t seem to take into account, however, the preparedness of a large group of the population in regards to weaponry. Survival weapons are a necessity, especially when it comes to prepping for an apocalyptic disaster that could force you to alter the way you protect and defend what’s yours. Depending on the situation you find yourself in, you will likely want to have a variety of weapons on hand to  defend yourself and your family  as well as hunting and gathering food and other necessities.

End of days. How to survive post SHTF.

Machetes & Knives Provide Practicality

If you are properly trained to use a knife, it can be a great way to not only protect yourself but to cut through thick, dense forests and also hunt animals that you can use for food. You will likely need a reliable knife that’s easy to handle, strong, and razor sharp. As you will use it for various purposes, such as self-defense and hunting, it can be a good idea to invest in a multi-tool that has a knife feature included on it instead of one single knife. That is, however, unless you  plan on going for a machete . This weapon is best-suited for areas where you will need to clear brush as well as for survival skills such as cutting wood and even defending yourself against smaller predators like wolves and mountain lions.

Pepper Spray Guns for Safety & Tracking

Pepper spray is powerful enough to be used against most bears, meaning that it certainly is powerful enough to take down anybody in your immediate vicinity who is trying to do you harm. Pepper guns are great as they take on the shape of a gun, making these devices easy to carry around. Instead of shooting ammo, however, it uses pepper spray to disarm your enemy or attacker, either human or animal. The Mace Brand Pepper Spray Gun is a great option in this case it is works two-fold by allowing you to deliver a powerful kick of pepper to your assailant while also allowing you to track the perpetrator. The 10% OC Pepper Formula features a UV Dye that will trail behind whoever you shot it with to ensure you can either track it to hunt it and use as food or avoid if it is someone you don’t want around you or your family.

Using Guns for Tough Situations

They’re loud and sometimes heavy to carry around, generally making them less-than-ideal for survival situations. However, guns can be a great asset in an apocalypse that requires you to  defend yourself from predators  or other dangers, as they provide you with the power you might need to fend off unwanted visitors that other weapons don’t provide. To defend yourself from animals, it is best to have some sort of animal repellent such as a bear spray on hand for your first line of defense. Your next best bet will be a  holster pistol that you can carry  around on your waist. And, if the situation calls for it, you can upgrade to a rifle or shotgun that allows you to scope out dangers from a distance.

Ensuring the Safety of Your Family

The best way to ensure the safety of your family during an apocalyptic event is to prepare them beforehand. Educate them on the risks involved and teach them how to defend and care for themselves. Have a solid communication plan in place and ensure you are equipped with all of the necessary gear you need to survive whatever might happen, even if it means stocking up on a few defense weapons.

5 Tips To Learning About Outdoor Sports

Outdoor sports are not everyone’s cup of tea, most people prefer other sports. Learning a sport may be a little difficult because most people do not engage in them regularly. However, there are easy and fun ways you can learn about sports;

  1.       Look out for outdoor sport events near your area

Nowadays, lots of outdoor sport events are held, mostly in sports clubs, ranches, etc. The easiest way to find out about such events is through the internet, mostly social media platforms. This can be a great way to learn about these kind of sports especially because you will participate and a lot of people attend these kind of events. What’s more, there are usually multiple sports taking place with competition and this makes it even more fun.

  1.       Try enclosed outdoor sports first

Hiking, rock climbing, skydiving and the other outdoor sports don’t sound fun to some people. So, instead of going for the actual rock climbing -or any of the outdoor sports- try indoor rock climbing first. Although it may not provide the same experience as the actual rock climbing, it may just ignite the interest you never knew you had. Also, it is a fun and easier way to learn about the actual outdoor sports.

  1.       Visit an outdoor gear store

Most of these store owners are professionals so, this way you learn about both the sport and gear from an expert. Also, you may have wanted to get gear for an outdoor activity you are interested in, for example hunting. You learn about the gear you want in depth and specificity for instance; the best rifle for squirrel hunting or the best bow for deer hunting, etc.

  1.       Suggest outdoor sports to your friends

Instead of you and your friends going out next time, suggest that you go for a forest hike or for biking. It is even a lot more fun when with friends than strangers and the more you take part in them, the more you learn about them. Also, don’t go for the same sports every time, try different ones. As long as your friends are for it, you will actually want to engage in them as compared to when you are alone.

  1.       Browse the internet

When trying to learn, you can never go wrong with the internet. Even though participating may be an excellent way to learn about outdoor sports, you don’t have to go that way. You can browse the internet and get all the information you require about a particular outdoor sport. You even get to know about the best places and terrains to go for the sports and the safety measures and precautions to take. Afterward, you can engage in the sport whenever you have free time.

Outdoor sports can be hectic if not well prepared for. Preparation is not only physically, but also mentally. So, if you intent to fully engage in these kind of sports then prepare well and don’t forget to get in condition.

The Top 3 Pros and Cons to Using a Crossbow Versus a Compound Bow

Hunters and people who love the game of archery will need a bow, obviously. The question in their head as they shop may be which one would suit them best. Is it the crossbow or the compound bow?

Archery sport helps players develop various qualities within them. For instance, since you will learn to shoot at multiple targets, you will need to have some level of focus. Therefore, these people are keen when they perform other tasks.

Today we will analyze different pros, cons of the crossbow, and the compound bow .


This modern bow works precisely as a rifle. It consists of distinct features that make it stand out and increase its power. The hunter will hold it in a horizontal position when aiming at specific targets.

Pros for using a crossbow

  1. Ease of use

Hunters love a tool that is quick in function. One benefit that the crossbow features is that you do not need hours to practice shooting at a target.

As mentioned earlier, it works exactly like a rifle; therefore, you only need to press the trigger to release the arrow. People with disabilities can use the bow since you do not require both hands necessarily.

  1. Power

Once you release the trigger, the shaft moves at lightning speed. Within a few milliseconds, the arrow can dig deep into the target’s surface or animal skin. The user has to use a lot of force to remove the arrow from the surface that it strikes.

  1. Accuracy

The bow has a scope fitted at the top for the user to aim the target with. This means that you do not spend a lot of time trying to point at the game or prey. The scope also assists when the light conditions are poor. For this reason, many people rely on this tool, especially when hunting .

Cons of the Crossbow

  1. The bow is heavy. It becomes a problem when you have to carry it for longer distances.
  2. The bow releases some noise once you press the trigger, which distracts preys if you are aiming at more than one.
  1. Some states limit the use of crossbows. Users need to check with their state laws to see if they need to acquire a license to use one within the state boundaries.

Compound Bows

This is also a modern bow. The user will hold it in a vertical position when aiming at a target. You will also need to pull the string to release the arrow, unlike the crossbow where you just press the trigger.

Pros of the Compound Bow

  1. It is ideal for people who are learning how to aim and shoot. While you do this, it helps to develop your focus.
  1. The bow is not noisy. This is suitable for hunters because you have the liberty of shooting at more animals without distracting other prey around it.
  1. Most love it because it is light. It has additional straps that ease the weight, especially when walking for long distances.

Cons of the compound bow

  1.  People use much time learning how to aim. This would be a significant disadvantage for beginners. You also have to learn how to focus when aiming at your target as well.
  1. They are not as powerful. Most people prefer to use the bow for the sport rather than hunting. The strength you apply on the string determines the distance that the arrow travels.
  1. Compound bows are not suitable for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, if you have an injured arm, it would be difficult to handle the bow.


The type of bow you choose depends on your preference. Check www.archery-den.com/best-crossbows/ to see the most suitable bow for you. You will find a variety of bows to pick depending on your budget.