Recap/Review: The Real Housewives of New Jersey, S3, E14 – “Belly Up & Up”


Airdate: Sunday, August 21, 2011, 10:00 pm ET/PT on Bravo


Just throw Ashley out already! The fight continues from last week at the restaurant, as does the mega-disrespect Ashley shows for Jacqueline. I feel so sad for Jacqueline; it’s hard when a daughter can’t tell the difference between caring and lectures. I remember asking myself when my daughter was young, “Why doesn’t she understand I’m only doing/saying this for her own good? Why does she think I want to hurt her? I love her and want the best for her.” Why is it some daughters get it and others don’t? I don’t blame Jacqueline for not wanting to hear Ashley’s apology. She knew it was false and Ashley only came downstairs because Matt forced her to. After all, she admitted to Matt she didn’t want to apologize. “ Daddy, daddy, I honestly don’t want to right now. Like, why should I apologize if I don’t mean it?” It doesn’t seem to matter to Ashley that Jacqueline is in so much pain, crying her eyes out. Ashley unbelievably has the nerve to ask Jacqueline, “ Why am I the only one that has to change here? … You need to change too.” Like Matt, I don’t get why Ashley is so bitter towards her mom. I can’t imagine where they’re going to go from here.

Teresa and Joe pay a visit to James Kridel, the attorney who’s handling the bankruptcy matter. Teresa is concerned about what she can and cannot say about it in public. Kridel explains the ins and outs of the bankruptcy, and what the judge’s ruling means. While Joe admits to signing his business partner’s name on a loan, Teresa’s not upset by it. She sees it as a normal practice between partners. Kridel also informs them Teresa rightfully has been dropped from the suit. During Teresa’s camera time, she talks about her friends who want to know why she’s not mad at Joe for what he did. I find it highly offensive that she calls out her “ Jewish friends ” for saying “ I would have left him in a second; I would have divorced him in a second. ” Stereotype much, Teresa?

Separately, Caroline and Jacqueline, and Melissa and Kathy review the newspaper’s article about the Giudice bankruptcy. It clearly states Joe forged his business partner’s signature on a loan document. I admire Melissa for giving Teresa credit for moving on with her life. I like Melissa more and more as the season progresses. Caroline and Jacqueline decide not to approach Teresa on the matter. They understand Teresa will merely say, “ It’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok. We’re good .” Caroline does a fantastic impression of Teresa, don’t you agree?

Because Kathy has decided to go into the catering business, she’s invited the ladies over for a Middle Eastern tasting party. “ The whole evening is about being and embracing your inner goddess,” she explains. To cleanse her home prior to the party, Kathy has her energist, “ ZenJen ,” as Dina Manzo calls her, come over. (Wasn’t it nice to see Dina for a change?) As Kathy explains, “ She gets any evil out of your house and blesses your home in a different way .” Rich doesn’t believe in voodoo, black magic or anything, as he says, but is happy Kathy is throwing this party. “ …I’m glad that Kathy is throwing a tasting party. It will allow her to show her friends that she can actually cook and she’s not stealing recipes from her mother or her mother-in-law and putting them in a book .” Wow, what a low blow Rich!

Teresa finally shows up, giving me my first laugh of the episode. As the ladies discuss the nasty cold weather they’re experiencing, Teresa joins in. “ And Tuesday’s supposed to rain and we’re supposed to get a Norwegian.” OMG Teresa, it’s a Nor’Easter! At least she laughs along with the ladies when they point out her obvious mistake. Teresa gave me another good chuckle when she comments during camera time, “ Food wise, everything looked great. I was just expecting for a goddess party more…um, like, having naked goddess guys walking around passing her food around to us. Let’s just say I would have done it differently. ” I bet you would Teresa. She’s not exactly up to date on the finer way of doing things.

On top of the delicious food Kathy serves, she passes out goddess bracelets for each of her guests and takes a turn telling them, “ I think you are a goddess because… ” It’s a very nice sentiment and a great way of pulling everyone together. It’s about time they put the past where it belongs – in the past. Of course Teresa has to hog the limelight by turning the conversation around to her. Surprisingly, she and Joe are planning to open a restaurant and she’ll be the “hostess with the mostest.” Sorry, I just had to use that phrase – it’s one my mother, may she RIP, would use when she was being sarcastic about someone.

Speaking of Ashley, I find it astounding that she goes to Lauren’s house empty-handed. She is supposed to be working on a design for the tee shirts Lauren is giving out at the grand opening of her new business, Face, which is only two weeks away. Ashley has had more than enough time to do what Lauren asked of her, but she hasn’t even started. I feel bad for Lauren  — she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Let’s be honest here —if Ashley weren’t her cousin, she would have fired her a long time ago. Lauren isn’t that much older than Ashley, yet she definitely has her head screwed on straight, especially when it comes to parents. “ I’ve heard you give her attitude or roll your eyes…I would have been given black eyes if I spoke to my parents that way. You just have no fear of disappointing your parents because you feel like you already have .” Way to call things as they really are Lauren. Your momma would be proud of you.

I guess the conversation, um, intervention with Ashley’s parents didn’t work, as the next day she tells Jacqueline and Chris she’s still planning to go to California. Jacqueline tries to keep quiet but she just can’t despite the big grin she’s trying to maintain. Again, Ashley sees things differently when she tells Jacqueline it was her idea for Ashley to go to California. “ You sat there and said it was myidea for you to go to California ,” Jacqueline responds. “ No! My idea was for you to go to school here and get a job ,” to which Ashley retorts, “ You’re such a bitch. ” You see, right then and there, I would have cracked her across the face and told her to get out. That ungrateful little bitch! Chris is trying to stay calm, but he’s losing his patience quickly…not that I blame him. Finally, Jacqueline and Chris decide to try some tough love, and Chris tells her to call a friend and leave.

Tune in next week for the next riveting episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey at 10:00 pm ET/PT only on Bravo.

For more information on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, go to , where you can see photos from tonight’s episode, read cast blogs, watch unseen footage and full episodes online.


Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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