Phone: 212-242-3000
We buy Vinyl Records, CDs, DVDs & Blu-rays.
12 W. 18th Street, NYC 10011
Sell your music & movies

Sell your vinyl, cds & Movies

What we purchase:

We buy collections of all sizes including estates. Vinyl Records, Compact discs, DVDs & Blu-rays.
"We appreciate the effort and time it takes for you to bring your collection to our store on W. 18th Street. Therefore, there are a few things we would like you to consider before you drop in."

**Updates on Selling**

Call Ahead:
Please call us before bringing your collection into our store. Due to changing trends and supply, we are selective about what kinds of music and films we purchase.
The condition of your collection is highly important. We are unable to purchase damaged, scratched, soiled or incomplete items.
Taking pictures of the spines of your vinyl, CDs & DVD/Blu-rays will help in determining whether we can purchase your collection.
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