Leasehold improvement definition

What is a Leasehold Improvement?

A leasehold improvement is a customization of rental property. A tenant may want to invest in leasehold improvements in order to adjust the characteristics of office or production space to its specific needs. The landlord may pay for these improvements in order to improve future lease rates for the rental property, or to attract a good tenant.

Accounting for a Leasehold Improvement

In accounting, a leasehold improvement is considered an asset of the tenant if the tenant paid for it, the investment exceeds the capitalization limit of the tenant, and the improvements will be usable for more than one reporting period . If so, the tenant records the investment as a fixed asset and amortizes it over the lesser of the remaining term of the lease or the useful life of the improvement. An example of the monthly amortization entry for a leasehold improvement appears in the following journal entry.

Upon termination of a lease, all leasehold improvements become the property of the landlord.

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Examples of Leasehold Improvements

Examples of leasehold improvements are new carpeting, cabinetry, countertops, lighting, and walls. These improvements may also include any wiring or plumbing that is added to leased space by the tenant. Any removeable assets are not considered to be leasehold improvements, since the tenant can take them when a lease term is over.