Net worth definition

What is Net Worth?

Net worth is the difference between the assets and liabilities of a person or business. It is an essential measurement of the financial circumstances of the party in question. A business with a high net worth will find it easier to obtain loans from lenders, since they perceive the entity to be a safe credit risk. A person with a high net worth can place money in investment vehicles that require a large initial investment, but which present the opportunity to earn an above-average return over the long run.

The concept is defined somewhat differently, depending upon whether the term applies to a business or an individual. The definitions are noted below.

Net Worth for a Business

The net worth for a business is the total amount of all assets minus all liabilities, as stated in the balance sheet . The information in the balance sheet may be stated at the original price of the asset or liability, which may differ from the amount at which it could potentially be disposed of. The asset and liability components of net worth typically include:

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Net worth can be used to derive the value of a business, though other factors may be included in the derivation of the sale price of a company, such as the value of its brands and intellectual property . It is not a good measure of the liquidity of a business, since the assets that comprise the measure may be difficult to liquidate, such as inventory and fixed assets.

A company can increase its net worth not only by the obvious method of earning a profit, but also by avoiding distributions to shareholders (such as dividends ), since that reduces the cash balance, which is part of the assets in the net worth equation.

Net Worth for an Individual

The net worth for an individual is total assets minus total liabilities. The information may be compiled from a number of sources, and typically includes the following:

  • Assets: Cash in the bank

  • Assets: Personal investments

  • Assets: Resale value of house

  • Assets: Resale value of automobiles

  • Assets: Resale value of furnishings and jewelry

  • Liabilities: Credit card debt

  • Liabilities: Mortgage debt

Example of Net Worth

A business has $50,000 of cash, $200,000 of accounts receivable, and $400,000 of inventory, which gives it total assets of $650,000. The business also has $80,000 of accounts payable and a $350,000 loan, which gives it total liabilities of $430,000. Thus, its net worth is the difference between the assets and liabilities, which is $220,000.

Negative Net Worth

It is also possible to have a negative net worth , which arises whenever liabilities exceed assets for either a business or an individual. In this situation, it may be necessary to enter bankruptcy proceedings, which wipes out or at least reduces certain types of debt.

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