Master Numb3rs Converter Calculator

This MEGA Numb3rs CALCULATOR will calculate anything! You may convert between any of the category values in the drop down box. Enter a valid numeric value in the Conversion Quantity field (initially defaults to 1 and resets to 1) and then click on and select the Convert From field designation, then select a value, and select the Convert To field designation, and select a value. Click on the Convert Units button to actually convert the values. The calculated values will appear in the Converted Value field. To do another calculation, click the Clear Values button and then enter a new value. (The last-used designations will remain but the Converted Value will be cleared and the Convert Quantity will be reset to 1.) Calculated accuracy is about 16 places. (Calculated values are ONLY an estimate.)

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Conversion Amount

Convert To
Converted Value Constants



Speed of light: c = 2.997925E8 m/s Electron charge: e = 1.6021E-19 Cb Electron mass: m = 9.11E-31 kgr Faraday's constant: F = 9.6487E4 Cb/mol Plank's constant: h = 6.6256E-34 J sec Rydberg constant: R = 1.097373E7 1/m Bohr radius: ao = 5.29167E-11 m Gravitational constant: G = 6.67E15 n m^2 / kg^2 Permitivity of free space: eo = 8.85E-12 Cb^2/ Nm^2 Permeability of free space: mu o = 4*piE-7 N/A^2

Chemistry & Thermodynamics

Avogadro's constant: Na = 6.02252E23 1/mol Boltzman's constant: k = 1.380622E-23 J/'K Universal gas constant: R = 8.3143 J / 'Kmol

Earth Science

Mean distance of Earth to Sun: 1.5E14 m Mass of the Sun: 1.99E30 kgr Mass of the Earth: 5.97E24 kgr

Standard Atmosphere at Sea Level

Density rho = 1.225 kgr/m^3
Temperature = 288.2 'K
Pressure = 101300 Pa
Viscosity = 1.79E5 Nsec / m^2

Ideal Gas Properties



Molecular mass: 28.967 Gas constant: 287 J/ kgr'K cp = 1004 J/ kg'K (at 25'C) gamma = 1.4 (at 25'C)

Water Vapor

Molecular mass: M = 18.015 Gas constant: R = 461.5 J/kgrK cp = 1866 J/kgrK (at 25 'C) gamma = 1.33 (at 25 'C) Triple point: 273.16 'K

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Electron charge,: e = 1.6021E-19 Cb Electron mass: m = 9.11E-31 kgr Faraday's constant: F = 9.6487E4 Cb/mol Plank's constant: h = 6.6256E-34 J sec Rydberg constant: R = 1.097373E7 1/m Bohr radius: ao = 5.29167E-11 m Gravitational constant: G = 6.67E15 n m^2 / kg^2 Permitivity of free space: eo = 8.85E-12 Cb^2/ Nm^2 Permeability of free space: mu o = 4*piE-7 N/A^2

Avogadro's constant: Na = 6.02252E23 1/mol Boltzman's constant: k = 1.380622E-23 J/'K Universal gas constant: R = 8.3143 J / 'Kmol 

Mean distance of Earth to Sun: 1.5E14 m Mass of the Sun: 1.99E30 kgr Mass of the Earth: 5.97E24 kgr 

Density rho = 1.225 kgr/m^3 Temperature = 288.2 'K Pressure = 101300 Pa Viscosity = 1.79E5 Nsec / m^2

Molecular mass: 28.967 Gas constant: 287 J/ kgr'K cp = 1004 J/ kg'K (at 25'C) gamma = 1.4 (at 25'C)

How much of the "math" used on the TV show Numbers is real?

A few bombs go off and the math professor says something like "We can use a Zygnerskie-Humplemeyer algorithm to predict where the next bomb might be." It's a great show, but is this stuff for real?  

Several mathematicians work as consultants for each episode. Actual mathematics is presented in the show; the equations on the chalkboards are real, and they are indeed applicable to the situations presented in each show. This phenomenon has been recognized by working mathematicians.

The article "Numb3rs gets the math right", published by the Mathematical Association of America and the January 21 issue of Math Games in which Ed Pegg, Jr. discusses related issues, e.g. Bayesian search theory, graph theory, combinatorics. However, at least one mathematician consultant to the show has expressed concern with its use of math and the failure to integrate consultants at various stages in each episode's development with the relationship between Charlie Eppes and his graduate student Amita Ramanujan.

To assist the FBI in the show, Professor Charlie Eppes has invoked the following mathematical disciplines (among others): cryptanalysis, probability theory, game theory, partial differential equations, decision theory, graph theory, data mining and astrophysics.  

Wolfram Research was pleased to partner with CBS in promoting math awareness through NUMB3RS.
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