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Drive Installs and Discovery with Mobile App Install Ads

October 17, 2012 By Vijaye Raji

Today we're making our new mobile app install ads available to all developers. We announced these ads in beta in August as a new and effective way for mobile app developers to drive installs and increase app discovery.

For years, many apps and games on Facebook.com have used ads as an important part of their growth strategy. Now we are bringing these opportunities to mobile apps. With these new ads, mobile apps and games of all sizes across any category can reach the right audience, at scale.

In early results, beta partners like Kabam, Fab, TinyCo and Big Fish were able to reach a more relevant audience and efficiently drive installs. For example, TinyCo saw 50% higher CTRs and significantly higher conversion rates compared to their current mobile channels, as well as a significant increase in player engagement.

A select subset of Preferred Marketing Developers (PMDs) has been testing mobile app install ads and saw similarly positive results. For example, Nanigans' clients efficiently achieved 8-10x the reach compared to other mobile ad buys. Ad Parlor saw consistent CTR’s from news feed of 1-2% from engaged users looking for iPhone and Android games that their friends were playing.

Creating, Launching and Monitoring your campaign

It’s easy to launch your ad and monitor your insights through a simple flow on the App Dashboard . You can also leverage Power Editor , the API or work with one of our Preferred Marketing Developers to create and manage your campaigns.

Through our ads tools, you have the same powerful ads capabilities that developers and advertisers use on our website as well as mobile specific features to improve the user experience. When people click on these ads, they will be sent to the App Store or Google Play to download the app, depending on the device.

To measure the effectiveness of your ads, you must integrate with the latest Facebook SDKs for iOS or Android . Updating your app with the latest SDK will allow you to measure overall clicks and installs for your campaign, and it will allow you to optimize your ad delivery for installs.

In coming months, we’ll continue to make updates that improve the user experience and the performance of mobile app install ads. For example, you may be able to customize your ad unit based on your audience, ensure that your ads are only shown to people who have not installed your app on iOS or Android devices, and allow people to start installing your app without leaving Facebook.

We are pleased to make this powerful tool for driving app growth available to everyone. Learn how to get started now .

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