Integration Checklist and Error Codes - Meta Audience Network - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Audience Network Integration Checklist and Ads Request Error Codes

See the following sections:

Audience Network Ads Integration Checklist

  1. Install and log in to the Facebook app in your test device.
  2. Add people who are testing your Audience Network ads to your account in Business Manager.
  3. Make sure you initialize the ad instance with the placement ID created from your Business Manager. Refer to Getting Started step .
  4. Check if Audience Network production ads were requested successfully by your app. Use Audience Network Error Codes for diagnosis.
  5. Check if ads are fully visible and clear to users of your app.
  6. Check the user experience of your ads integration using testing ads . Make sure the test ad code snippet is removed before launching to the app store. Otherwise, your production app will only show test ads.

Error Codes of Production Ads Requests

When testing your implementation of the Meta Audience Network, you may experience one of several possible error codes when making a request. These error codes are described below.

1000 - Network Error

Server Response
SDK Documentation

Code=1000 “Network Error"

  • Error 1000 - Network Error . The Audience Network SDK could not reach facebook.com (http://facebook.com/)
  • Your application should attempt to make another request until the network can be reached. We recommend making incremental requests until a connection is reestablished or you declare a timeout.

1001 - No Fill

This is a common error seen while testing, and relates to a "No Fill" response; the most common reason for this is the user is not logged in to the Facebook App when testing your mobile app or not logged in to the Facebook mobile website when testing your mobile website.

Server Response
SDK Documentation

Code=1001 “No Fill”

  • Error 1001 - No Fill . May be due to a number of reasons including:
  • User not logged into Native Facebook App on Mobile Device
  • You have informed Facebook through the setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled flag to not deliver personalized ads via Audience Network.
  • The person did not give permission for Facebook to use their activity, that other apps and websites send to Facebook, to personalize the ads Facebook delivers to that person.
  • The current user does not have any Ad Inventory that could fill the request.
  • Your testing device must have the native Facebook application installed.
  • Your application should attempt to make another request after 30 seconds.

1002 - Ad Load Too Frequently

Server Response
SDK Documentation

Code=1002 “Load Too Frequently”

  • Ad Requests are based on a combination of:
  • Device ID
  • Placement ID
  • Display Format (Banner, Interstitial, Native)
  • Your application should attempt to make another request after 30 minutes. We also suggest adjusting your Refresh Rate or Request Rate.

1011 - Display Format Mismatch

Server Response
SDK Documentation

Code=1011 “Display Format Mismatch”

  • Error 1011 - Display Format Mismatch due to:
  • The display format in the ad request does not match the display format specified for this placement.
  • Each placement can only be used with a single display format.
  • You can create multiple placements in order to use different display formats.

1012 - Unsupported SDK Version for New Apps

Server Response
SDK Documentation


  • The SDK version in the ad request is no longer supported for new apps. Please upgrade to one of the latest versions of the SDK.

1203 - Not An App Admin, Developer or Tester

Server Response
SDK Documentation

Code=1203 “Not An App Admin, Developer or Tester”

  • Initial request from a bundle must come from an App Admin, Developer or Tester.

2000 - Server Error

Server Response
SDK Documentation

Code=2000 “Server Error"

  • Error 2000 - Server Error . Possibly due to:
  • Invalid Placement ID - Each Placement and Type has a Unique ID
  • Unsupported or Outdated version of the SDK - please download the latest version or update your Pod if using Cocoa Pods
  • Improper call/usage of the loadAd method. We suggest placing breakpoints on loadAd and any associated methods/callbacks
  • Your application should attempt to make another request after 30 seconds.

2001 - Internal Error

Server Response
SDK Documentation

Code=2001 “Internal Error”

  • Error 2001 - Internal Error . The Audience Network SDK was unable to process a response from facebook.com
  • Your application should attempt to make another request after 30 seconds.
  • If this happens consistently, please file a bug report with us.
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