Get Started - Jobs XML - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Getting Started

This page quickly outlines the key steps to get your jobs live on Facebook. Check out the How-To page to go deeper on these concepts, or the FAQ page for common questions.

Quick Intro: Creating a Facebook Jobs XML Feed in 15 Minutes

Check out the below video for a full guide, end-to-end, on how to build out your XML feed. Note that the video assumes you already have Jobs API permissions.

If you are seeing this message, you have to follow this section to set up your Recruiting Manager and Job Feeds, which is slightly different than described in this video.

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1. Generate your XML Feed

You will need to publish an XML file at a URL where Facebook's crawler can read it. This is known as your XML Feed . The full format specification, along with sample XML files, is located on the Jobs XML Feed Specification page.

Receiving Applications

We will notify you when you receive an application at the application-callback-url endpoint you provide. See full details on this callback, and how to retrieve the applications, in the How-To section.

Example Job Posting

The following is a sample of how the job will appear on Facebook.

2. Receive Jobs API Permissions

In order for Facebook to start ingesting your jobs, we must grant you the necessary permissions in order to continue work on the integration. Speak with your Facebook contact to understand your permissioning status. Note that these APIs have a 30-day usage policy - if the permission is not used 30 days after granting, it will be revoked. Note that you will receive errors indicating you do not have the correct permissions when attempting all further API calls if you don't have permission. See details here for how to receive for access (note we do not grant access to all applicants).

You cannot proceed further in this guide until you are approved—the bulk of the work exists in step 1, however, so if you build out a full XML feed you can be ready to quickly complete registration once permissions are granted.

3. Set Your App to Live

Your app needs to be set to "Live Mode" to import jobs. Go to your App Dashboard and find the toggle at the top of the screen for your App. Switch it to "Live".

4. Create Your Recruiting Manager and Job Feeds

To manage jobs on Facebook you must first set up a Recruiting Manager object using an app access token . You can only set up one Recruiting Manager for one app.

Sample Request

HttpRequest: POST
URL: https://graph.facebook.com/vX.X/${app_id}/recruiting_manager?access_token=${app_id|app_secret}

Sample Body

  "data_policy_url": "https://www.yourcompanywebsite.com/datapolicy.html"

Note: The page located at data_policy_url should be mobile friendly

Sample Response

  "id": recruiting_manager_id

Create Your Jobs Feed

Creating a feed object allows Facebook to crawl the XML file you created in step 1 and post the jobs on the jobs browser . Facebook will start syncing your feed shortly after it is created.

  • You can only create one feed under a Recruiting Manager, which should contain jobs for all your companies.
  • The frequency at which Facebook syncs from your feed is determined automatically by Facebook per feed, usually every 6 hours.
HttpRequest: POST
URL: https://graph.facebook.com/vX.X/${recruiting_manager_id}/job_feeds?access_token=${app_id|app_secret}

Sample Body

"feed_url": "https://yourcompany.com/link-to-jobs-xml-feed.xml"

Sample Response

  "id": jobs_feed_id

5. Test Your Integration

  1. Populate your feed with just a few jobs, and validate your feed using our XML schema .
  2. Verify that there were no feed ingestion errors .
  3. Verify that the jobs passed integrity reviews .
  4. Verify that these jobs are published on Facebook .
  5. Submit an application and test if you receive callbacks from Facebook and can load the application into your system.

Jobs API Reference

Note: These API reference pages are only visible once you have been granted Jobs API permissions; see step #2 above.

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