Privacy & Data Use Business Hub


    Thank you for visiting our Privacy & Data Use Business Hub.

    This page has resources on data and privacy — from terms and policies to detailed product information — to make these important assets easier for businesses to find and reference.


    We believe ads should be valuable for both businesses and people, and we’re committed to building high-quality ad experiences on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network to ensure meaningful connections take place. These principles guide how we approach advertising at Facebook.

    Facebook was built to bring people closer together. We help you connect with friends and family, discover local events and find groups to join. We recognize that people use Facebook to connect, but not everyone wants to share everything with everyone – including with us. It’s important that you have choices when it comes to how your data is used. These are the principles that guide how we approach privacy at Facebook.

    Terms & Policies

    Terms & Policies

    • Terms of Service : Our Terms of Service govern the use of Facebook and the products, features, apps, services, technologies, and software we offer.
    • Data Policy : This policy describes the information we process to support Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and other products and features offered by Facebook.
    • Cookies Policy : This policy explains how we use cookies and the choices that people on Facebook have.
    • Business Tools Terms : These govern all use of Business Tools to provide Business Tools Data; clarifying definition of tools and data covered; adding EU Joint Controller Addendum; adding Data Security Terms.
    • EU Joint Controller Addendum : This will clarify the obligations of the parties in case of joint controllership regarding the processing of data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when using certain Business Tools. The joint controllership is limited to the collection and the transmission of this personal data to Facebook Ireland. The subsequent processing of this data by Facebook does not form part of the joint processing. We recommend all businesses subject to the GDPR and using the Business Tools in scope of the Controller Addendum review their privacy policies in accordance with their obligations under it.
    • Data Security Terms : These new terms reflect existing practices and standards currently in place at Facebook. We are now introducing them to our Business Tools Terms to help proactively address top security questions from advertisers and partners, such as physical and security controls for data centers, incident management, and personnel processes.
    • Customer List Custom Audience Terms : These govern the use of Custom Audiences from a customer list; clarifying the prohibited uses, sharing requirements and linking to other applicable terms around Facebook’s use of this type of data; adding Data Security Terms.
    • Self-serve Ad Terms : These govern the use of Facebook products for advertising and provide information about the transparency and control we provide people about the ads businesses run.
    • Global Data Processing Terms : Applies to the use of data shared with Facebook via Business Tools for the purposes of matching, measurement and analytics and via Customer List Custom Audiences for the purpose of matching. The new Data Processing Addendum does not only apply to businesses subject to GDPR but also to other businesses worldwide and will facilitate compliance for those businesses that require such an agreement in accordance with national laws applicable to them.
    • Commercial Terms of Service : These govern the access and use of Facebook Products for a business or commercial purpose, like managing a Page or group for a business purpose. We clarify that those products are subject to transparency and controls (e.g. Off-Facebook Activity, Why Am I Seeing This Ad, Ads Preferences)
    • Page Insights Controller Addendum : The Page Insights Controller Addendum applies to Page Insights, which are aggregated data that can help you understand how people are engaging with your Page.
    • Advertising Policies : Our Advertising Policies provide guidance on what types of ad content are allowed. When advertisers place an order, each ad is reviewed against these policies.
    • Platform Policy : If you use Social Plugins, Facebook SDKs, or operate a Platform app or website, you must follow these policies.
    • State Specific Terms : Applies to advertisers sharing personal information about people in California through certain Facebook Products. This change is effective July 1.
    Helping businesses thrive during advertising and regulatory shifts

    Helping businesses thrive during advertising and regulatory shifts

    Personalized advertising creates tremendous value for people and businesses around the world. It helps unlock the full value of the internet through free services, giving everybody access to opportunity no matter their budget, experience, or education. It helps all types of people and businesses thrive.

    As people’s expectations of how their data is used continues to evolve, so too are regulations and policies from governments and industry players. Requirements for collecting and sharing data are becoming more stringent, limiting the data available for personalized advertising.

    To help businesses manage this transition, we’ve outlined steps they can take today to align with the latest policies and regulations, along with advertising best practices they can employ to drive maximum value for customers and prospects from the data they have permission to use.

    Learn more

    Privacy Compliance

    Privacy Compliance

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    Data protection is central to the Facebook Companies (Facebook and Messenger, Instagram, Oculus and WhatsApp). We comply with current EU data protection law, which includes the GDPR. Our GDPR preparations were led by our Dublin-based data protection team and supported by the largest cross-functional team in Facebook's history.

    Trust, Transparency, & Control Labs

    Trust, Transparency, & Control Labs

    A cross-industry effort to create innovative design solutions that put people in control of their privacy.

    The Trust, Transparency and Control Labs is a cross-industry effort to create innovative design solutions that put people in control of their privacy. Initiated and supported by Facebook, and built on collaboration, the movement has grown to include more than sixty organizations, including major global businesses, startups, civic organizations and academic institutions.

    Check out the TTC website for resources to explore, develop and share practices and resources for new design patterns and templates. You'll find the learnings and outputs from the Design Jams we've held to date along with an open-source toolkit that you can use with your own team, organization, client or school.

    Additional Resources

    Additional Resources