Snowman Christmas Ornament – Easy Dollar Store Christmas Craft
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Dollar Store Christmas Crafts -

I’ve always loved snowmen but in my life, I’ve only made 3-4 of them. Blame it on Texas, but if I want a snowman I have to find other ways to make them. That’s one of the reasons that when I was browsing the aisles of the Dollar Store Christmas crafts section, I decided to make this cutie-patootie snowman Christmas ornament. 

Plus it can’t melt in the Texas heat. 

You might remember my last snowman ornament, the Wood Slice Snowman Christmas Ornament . This ornament uses the same technique of painting dots. 

Painting dots is EASY. No matter what level you feel you are on as a painter, you can make dots. This snowman ornament uses all dots. You can do this. Trust me, I’m one step away from Mr. Miyagi, (or Rose from Golden Girls but let’s not judge). 

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How to Make a Snowman Christmas Ornament –

Gather your supplies. You will need:

Everything for this project, except for the paints, I got at the Dollar Store. I love it when they put Christmas craft items at the Dollar Store. This is a great time to stock up on all basic supplies such as ribbon, glitter and pipe cleaners. 

I put a dot of each of the paint colors on a plate and got my Q-tips ready.

Here’s a great tip: If you use Corelle plates , the paint will peel off when dry or you can soak them in water and peel the paint off. 

When I was ready to start, I just dipped my Q-tip in the black paint and made two large dots for eyes and then did a smaller dot smile.

I also used pink dots for cheeks. 

Just make dots – it works! 

I know what you’re thinking – but what about the nose? Here’s a secret…. the nose is actually 4 dots that slightly overlap each other on one side. You’re just making more dots but make them smaller as you progress and you’ll wind up with a cute little carrot nose.

Once your paint is mostly dry, use the end of a small paint brush or tear some of the cotton end off of the Q-tip and make two very small white dots on the black eyes. 

You’re almost done! Fill the ornament with the fake snow and then place the cap back on the ornament. 

I also chose to tie a little ribbon at the top of the ornament. You could go as far to add a little felt scarf to the bottom or even a top hat. I like simple though so I kept it simple. 

If you don’t want to paint, you could also use paint pens or cut out vinyl to use to make this same look. 

I’m just a happy little Texan, sweltering in 80 degree weather, as I gaze at my snowman. 

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