Last Minute Halloween Costume – Flower Pot Girl from The Dollar Store!
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Hey guys, I know Halloween is soon. My kids have a countdown. And like most procrastinating parents, we’re going to get the supplies today to make their costumes. Last minute for the win (high fives all around). But if you have a daughter that needs a quick and easy dollar store costume I want to share this older but fantastic tutorial with you. It was one of the first posts to ever go viral on Clumsy Crafter and I’m insanely proud of it. So here you go… Flower Pot Girl Halloween Costume Tutorial. This is an old tutorial but it’s always been one of my favorites. We got so many compliments on it and honestly, it made her look adorable.  So I hope you enjoy this oldie but a goodie:

The Flower Pot Girl DIY Costume Tutorial

The most baffling thing in the world to me, except for why Starbucks doesn’t offer home delivery straight to your bed, is why on earth Halloween Costumes are so expensive. It’s the thinnest cheapest fabric possible or even the paper fabric and yet it’s $30 just because it might possibly look like a trademarked princess? Truly it gets more ridiculous every single year. This is the reason that I drive myself batty trying to sew halloween costumes because then at least I know they’ll last as dress up clothes. Today when I was in the Dollar Store, knowing that I had no costume for Princess Newbie, a great idea hit me. I made her a costume ala’ Anne Geddes. She is the flower pot girl.  It’s so adorable and she likes it! The best part is that it cost $6 and took 10 minutes to make it! 10 minutes!!! $6!!!! My husband probably didn’t think it was possible for me to get any cheaper but it was! Making this costume is so easy. All you need is a large bucket, cheap plastic planter, or a large wash tub like I got at the Dollar Tree. (This is large enough to fit my daughter who wears a 3T at barely 2 years old… you might need a larger container for a child over that size.) You will also need a jump rope from the Dollar Store, Three or four bunches of flowers, and a headband. First simply cut the bottom out of your container with a knife or sharp scissors. An adult definitely needs to do this step. See how wonky my edges are in the picture above? You want to make sure there are no sharp or jagged edges so you can either trim those edges down with a knife, cover it with felt, or use sandpaper to file it a bit. I recut those edges until they were smoother. Now measure your child from the middle of their back, over their shoulders and to the middle of their torso. Cut two lengths of jump rope to that size. Tape one length of jump rope on one side of the bucket and the other side to the opposite side of the bucket. Do this with the other piece to mirror the first piece. You want to make a suspenders effect that will hold up the bucket on their shoulders. You can also use a glue gun to do these steps unless you recently moved and haven’t found your glue sticks yet. Now when you have the jump rope all put in place, fan out your flowers and tape the stems inside the bucket. I put two bunches in front and one in back. Before you tape the flowers in the back, make sure you steal two flowers off the stems to glue onto a headband with hot glue. See how easy that was? Anyone could make this costume, even those of you who claim not to have a creative bone in your body and for $6 why wouldn’t you want to make it? Now excuse me while I die from cuteness overload. Man I love this girl.     As always, if you like this idea please feel free to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Pin It on Pinterest!    
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