CURE Childhood Cancer
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researchers seeking childhood cancer research funding from CURE

For Researchers

CURE Childhood Cancer’s mission is to conquer childhood cancer through funding targeted research while supporting patients and their families. CURE invests millions of dollars each year into the most promising childhood cancer research , working to ensure children have the best chance to survive their cancer without sacrificing their future health and quality of life.

CURE offers two different types of childhood cancer research grants: Translation to Cure (T2C)award and an Early Investigator (EI)award.

  • Translation to CURE award (T2C)– open to investigators at any stage of their career (Assistant to Full Professor). The award term will be up to 2 years with support of $150,000 per year in direct costs plus 10% indirect costs (Total award = $330,000).
  • Early Investigator award (EI) –open to beginning scientists and physician scientists at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level. Physician scientists (MD or MD/PhD) who are within 5 years of completion of their clinical (or terminal) fellowship training and are beginning to establish a research career may apply as Instructors or Assistant Professors. PhD scientists within 5 years of an initial appointment as a tenure track Assistant Professor are also invited to apply for this award. The award term will be up to 2 years with support of $100,000 per year in direct costs plus 10% indirect costs (Total award = $220,000).

2025 Timeline

January 13, 2025 – Announcement of funding opportunities
February 14, 2025 – Deadline for LOI submissions
March 3, 2025 – Invite selected applications to apply
March 28, 2025 – Deadline for applications
June  2025 –  CURE’s Board of Directors reviews the Peer Review Committee’s recommendations and makes research funding decisions
June 11-20, 2025 – Applicants are notified of funding decisions

Grant Cycle

CURE’s childhood cancer research funding cycles follow our fiscal year: July 1 – June 30.

LOI Guidelines

The LOI is limited to 1 page and should include Rationale, Hypothesis, Aims, Research Design, and Impact/Innovation. Additional attachments required are (1) a list of 10 key references and (2) a PI biosketch.

Grant Guidelines

Grant Guidelines for our FY 2024 funding cycle.

Grant Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I submit a proposal for childhood cancer research funding?

CURE utilizes ProposalCentral to administer our research process. Please follow the link below to apply.

Proposal Central

How are research funding decisions made?

All proposals are reviewed by our Peer Review Committee and scored for scientific merit and alignment with CURE’s research goals. The PRC makes recommendations to the Board of Directors, which ultimately decides what proposals to fund. Decisions are based on scores and the amount of funds available.

Does CURE award multi-year grants?

Yes. Our Translation to CURE and Early Investigator awards have an award term of up to 2 years.

What is the typical grant size?

There really is not a “typical” grant award. All proposals must include a detailed budget, and that is reviewed and evaluated by the Peer Review Committee.

Are indirect costs allowed?

Yes. We allow 10% of the award total in indirect costs.

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