We encourage applicants with disabilities, who contribute to a diverse Dartmouth community, to apply for admission with the expectation that reasonable accommodations and access to Dartmouth Engineering's graduate programs, including curricular and co-curricular pursuits, will be provided. Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth and Dartmouth College are committed to ensuring equal access under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended, and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Applicants may disclose disability prior to admission but are not required to, nor will disability status be considered in the admissions process. Disability disclosure can be made at any time during your enrollment; however, students are encouraged to engage in the interactive process and request accommodations
prior to the start of classes or as soon as a disability is identified during enrollment. Early notification allows for a smooth transition and the implementation of auxiliary services or modifications in a timely manner. Students are further encouraged to make use of reasonable accommodations and the support available throughout their enrollment.