The Gaur Core

Principal Investigator

Arti Gaur, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Neurology

Ph.D. University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

M.S. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

Lab Manager

Carmen del Genio,B.S.

Carmen is a New Hampshire native and graduated Colby-Sawyer college with a degree in Biology. Carmen worked as an undergraduate research technician in the Fiering group, and then was the original “Gaur Core” member where he helped to build the lab from the ground up. Carmen is an ‘automotive enthusiast’ and spends time outside of lab building and racing cars.

Undergraduate Students

Mirelle Mah’Moud

Dartmouth College ’25Mirelle is an undergradute studying Neuroscience in the Pre-Med track. During her freshman year, Mirelle studied the effects of experience and reward predictability on rat behavior in a maze at the Dartmouth Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Prior to that, she participated in an ongoing study that examined the mechanism of lymphatic drainage in esophageal cancer in mice in the Biomedical and Technology Lab at North Carolina Central University. Mirelle is passionate about the fight to eliminate healthcare disparities in the US and currently serves as Dartmouth Global Health Fellow. In addition, she is a certified Community Health Ambassador for the Duke Cancer institute. In her free time, she likes to skateboard and play cello and lacrosse.

Vedant Tapiavala

Dartmouth College ’26Vedant is a ‘26 studying Neuroscience on the pre-med track. During his freshman summer, he worked in the Ward Lab at the NIH studying frontotemporal dementia. In the Gaur Lab, he studies Alzheimer’s Disease, mainly through computational methods, and Vedant has been awarded the Stamps Scholarship to study the liver’s role in Alzheimer’s Disease. He also co-developed AlzBuddy, a free-to-use mobile app for early-stage Alzheimer’s patients, and helps lead Dartmouth Generations, which visits older adults in the Upper Valley. Vedant enjoys spending his free time talking to friends and family and playing and watching basketball.


Sarah Watson

Dartmouth College ’26Sarah Watson (‘26) is a Biology and French Studies double major from Sudbury, Massachusetts. She has been involved in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research since high school and is fascinated by the dynamic role played by immune cells in the brain called microglia during the course of AD progression. As a first year Women in Science Project intern, she conducted research in the Gaur Lab demonstrating how accumulation of pathogenic amyloid beta and tau proteins differs in male and female mouse models of AD. Her Hanlon Scholars project utilizes mouse models of AD and publicly available human AD data sets to characterize the potential age-, sex-, and brain region-specific mediatory roles of microglia in AD, as well as to identify other regulatory factors. She has been awarded a Goldwater Scholarship and a Presidential Scholarship for her work and intends to pursue a research career developing AD immunotherapies. She is also passionate about the intersection between science and the humanities, and her French Studies major plan nuances her research in the sex specificity of AD by exploring historical constructions of gender and sexuality in Francophone literature. Outside of research and academics, she also enjoys spending time with friends and family, running, cycling, hiking, reading, and visiting museums.

Sachi Badola

Dartmouth College ’26
Sachi is a sophomore undergraduate at Dartmouth College double majoring in Biochemistry and Sociology on the pre-medical track. She is interested in pursuing a career in neurology, genetics, oncology, and rare disease.
During her freshman summer, she worked with RNA therapies targeting rare neurodevelopmental disorders at Yu Lab in Boston Children’s Hospital. At Dartmouth, she is involved with patient and caregiver recruitment and qualitative data analysis to understand shared decision making and power dynamics in clinic visits in the Barr Lab. She also serves on the board of Upstage Lung Cancer, a nonprofit organization raising awareness and money for early detection lung cancer research through musical and theatrical performances. Sachi is passionate about preventive health care and early detection research, health policy, and providing patients of all ages with the power and tools to make more informed decisions about their health. Outside of the lab, you can find her singing with her a cappella group The Dartmouth Dodecaphonics, volunteering, podcasting, and tutoring. 

Emma Cory

Dartmouth College ’26Emma is an undergraduate student studying Biology with minors in Global Health and French, on the pre-med track. During her freshman year, she studied the correlation between latitude, radiation, and brain tumor incidence in the Gaur Lab through the WISP program. She was also a Dartmouth Cancer Scholar during the 2023-24 academic year. Emma is interested in the intersections between social, environmental, and biological factors that shape health and illness. In her free time, she is a member of the Dartmouth Women’s Club Volleyball team, serves as an EMT with Dartmouth-EMS and loves to sew and crochet.

Tyler Amell-Angst

Dartmouth College ’26Tyler is a Neuroscience and Hispanic Studies double major from Bethesda, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C. During his freshman year, Tyler studied the neural coding of place cells in the rodent brain using reward learning models in a maze at the Dartmouth Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Following his interest in the central nervous system, Tyler performed experiments on the dopaminergic reward pathway at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and he studies the neurological deficits following cardiac arrest with the Neurocritical Care team at the University of Maryland Medical Center. He is most passionate about bringing a more personal, connected feeling to medicine through his work as a Dartmouth Eric Eichler ‘57 Fellow and his work with FUERZA to find safe care for migrants in the Upper Valley. Tyler is also an AHA-certified CPR and First Aid instructor and organizes classes through Dartmouth EMS. In his free time, Tyler loves to write for The Dartmouth and dominate the intramural pickleball league.

Visiting Students

Welcome to our three visiting students this summer!

  1. Mohamad Faizaljoins us as a POWERED Plus student from UT Austin.
  2. Jaeden Barrreturns for her second year as a POWERED Plus.
  3. Colin Piercejoins as a summer intern from Bates.

Masters Students

Sidney Nguyen, B.S.

Program in Experimental and Molecular Medicine

University of California, San Diego, B.A.