This time, the photo collection using the title and description is here ↓
価格: 660円
(2024/3/6 05:31時点)
This is the image that was created by inputting words that could be keywords into AI from the title and description of the photo album above↓
The AI gallery used this time generates images with the characteristics of ``cute,'' ``cool,'' ``funny,'' ``beautiful,'' and ``scary.''
The image above does not have any particular features specified, but I also had an image with specified features generated.
First of all, “cute” ↓
Next is “cool”↓
and “funny”↓
The last word is “scary”↓
↑It looks kind of cold
You can also try reading the photo book that is the source of this image from the advertisement page ↓
価格: 660円
(2024/3/6 05:41時点)
See you in the next article.