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Car accidents


There were car accidents in my family yesterday due to this weather.

This is the story I heard.

My husband was driving his pickup truck to bus stop with son in the morning after big snow.
The road was so slippery.
Usually my son takes a bus from there, but somehow bus driver won’t came out from the office.
So my husband decided to drive him to school.

On the way to school, there is a long upward hill. His truck started slide down backwards.
He tried to use gear shift, side break, everything he could.
He used to drive slippery road, I guess he did as much as possible, then truck and engine stopped.

He opened the hood, and was adjusting battery position etc. he has mechanical skill.

Then the truck started to slide backwards due to icy road.
My husband and son tried hard to hold the truck but keep sliding down and my husband got big tumbling, but still truck kept sliding down, my son jumped in and push side break and break.

There was a Jeep (kind car) long distance from the first truck stopped, a man was in it.
He was watching my husband truck was sliding down toward his Jeep.

The truck hit the Jeep and stopped.

My husband walked to the truck with hurting his body, then the man asked his insurance number.
When my husband got in the truck and was trying something to do, then another woman’s car was sliding down and hit his truck and stopped.

She had panic attacked, so my husband tried her calm down at first.

Meanwhile, my son picked up the fallen small 2 pieces from Jeep’s bumper and handed it to the man.
Then he took off without waiting my husband.

My husband let her calm down first, and taught her how to drive and move the car on the snow.
She finally started to drive slowly then took off, just gone.

When he asked about the man to his son, already disappeared.

So, my husband and my son tried to start his truck, but didn’t start and stuck in the snow after she hit the truck.
so my son called me and tried telling me the situation and asked me to call towing truck.
They also were exited, I didn’t get the situation well, sounds like car accidents and needs towing truck, but
where is it exactly, why my husband can’t call me by himself(I asked to change him), what is his dad doing?
I tried to tell my son write it down the insurance phone number.

Somehow my husband doesn’t want to talk with me,
Swore me from behind, as if they are(were) dying in the snow.

I just though if they need 911???
Probably not.

Anyhow I tried to my son write it down insurance emergency number.
But somehow didn’t work, it sounds like they are doing something.

I decided to call insurance and let them call to my son’s phone number.
My husband never carries his phone.

When I started to call insurance company, the phone was busy. I suspected many got accident in that morning,
so waiting and waiting.

Then I got phone call again from my son.

It looks the truck engine started and unstuck so he decided to return to home.

So I stop calling to insurance co. and call school for absent due to weather.
Later, I heard that half of the class were absent from school on that day.

After they came home, they tried explain what was happened.

I’m thinking if we need to call insurance or not?

It looks like his truck got only scratches, but no need insurance to fix it.
The man who drove Jeep might need it.
But, he took off.
Probably he just didn’t want to stay there, for sure another accident might be happen.

The panic attacked woman, who hit my husband truck, also took off.
It was good that not big damage to my husband truck, though.

It looks my husband tumbling was biggest damage.
However he didn’t have any bone damage, probably.
My son looks shocked a little, but calm down enough as normal.
Happy to stay home at least.

Anyway, I don’t know what to do.
Just I decided to let my husband have phone always.
And keep insurance number in his truck(I’m sure he has it in his truck, but I’m guessing he wanted to solve his problem by himself).

And I decided strongly to learn practical English more for surviving here.







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