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2016 The latest edition! The information of cherry blossom in Kyoto. (4/8 up)


Following the last time, I introduce the attractions of cherry blossoms

in reached the best time to see in Kyoto!

In addition, I introduce the place that is in full bloom from now on!
#kyoto #haradanien #fullbloom #cherryblossom
今年の原谷苑は非常に素晴らしいです。様々な桜が一気に咲き乱れています。#kyoto #haradanien #cherryblossom #fullbloom
These images are Haradani-garden which is located in about

a 30-minute walk from Ninna-ji Temple.

So many weeping cherry blossoms and various flowers

show us the spectacle of a masterpiece.

久しぶりにすっきり晴れたので、美しすぎる三井寺へ...#cherryblossom #miidera #shiga #fullbloom
#shiga #miidera #fullbloom #cherryblossom
These images are Mii-dera Temple which is located in about 30 minutes

by train from the city of Kyoto (located in Otsu city, Shiga Prefecture).

This is one of the most beautiful and powerful attraction in and around Kyoto.

#kyoto #fullbloom #shoseien #cherryblossom
#kyoto #shoseien #fullbloom #cherryblossom
These images are Shosei-en Garden which is located in about

a 10-minute walk from Kyoto Station.

It is a wide and valuable garden in the center of Kyoto.

三宝院の太閤枝垂桜から遅れること一週間、参道沿いの桜並木も満開になりました。#daigoji #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom
#fullbloom #kyoto #cherryblossom #daigoji
These images are Daigo-ji Temple in the southern part of Kyoto.

You will be able to experience dynamic cherry blossoms.

#kyoto #heianjingu #cherryblossom #fullbloom
#kyoto #fullbloom #heianjingu #cherryblossom
Finally, These images are Shin-en Garden of Heian-jingu Shrine.

This garden was designed by Jihee Ogawa ?Z

who is a genius landscape architect in about 100 years ago.

It should be noted, the following lists are the places that are in full bloom from now on.

Haradani-garden  It is likely to continue in full bloom next week.

Taizo-in Temple  The weeping cherry blossom near Onmyo garden is so wonderful.

Sanzen-in Temple  It will be in full bloom around 4/9 - 4/13.

Jonan-gu Shrine  It will be in full bloom in the next week (after 4/11).

Ninna-ji Temple  It will be a peak in 4/11 - 4/15.

Come to Kyoto!









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