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There are other attractions of cherry blossoms... Extra edition Part 2


Following the last time, I introduce some attractions of cherry blossoms should visit, if you have time to spare.

This time, I introduce nishiyama-area and the suburb of Kyoto city.

暖冬の影響なのか、ここ数年、龍安寺石庭の枝垂桜は、明らかに樹勢に衰えが目立つようになって来ました。洛南の城南宮の桜も驚くほど花が少なく、心配です。#kyoto #ryoanji #cherryblossom
First of all, this is Ryoan-ji Temple.

The rock garden and cherry blossoms show us a splendid collaboration.

However, the past few years, it is remarkable that the tree vigor of this cherry is decreasing.

So, we can't see the former beautiful scene.
#ryoanji #kyoto #cherryblossom
Around the pond is the another attaraction of cherry blossoms.

In recent years, here is more beautiful than the rock garden in cherry blossom season...

#ryoanji #kyoto #桜 #龍安寺界隈 2015
In addition, in the residential area in the vicinity, you can see some beautiful cherry and plum trees landscaped carefully here and there.

(Personally, here is my favorite.)

Entrance fee
High school students or older : 500 yen
Elementary school or middle school students : 300 yen

平野神社の桜です。ほとんどの桜はまだつぼみですが、この桜だけは早くも葉桜になろうとしてます。#hiranoshrine #kyoto #cherryblossom
Next, is Hirano Shrine located close to Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.

平野神社の桜です。昨日の雨でずいぶん散ってしまいました。#kyoto #hiranoshrine #cherryblossom
Here is very crowded with a lot of people, because a large number of stalls open.

The cherry trees are planted about 400, so there is quite a volume.

Entrance fee : free

#yoshiminedera #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom
This is Yoshimine-dera Temple which is located in Nishiyama area.

"The weeping cherry tree planted by Keisyoin" shows us a graceful appearance.

#yoshiminedera #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom
And, this landscape is a must-see than anything.

It is slightly hard to climb up here, but this is certainly worth seeing.

Entrance fee
Adult : 500 yen
High school students : 300 yen
Elementary school or middle school students : 200 yen

#kyoto #fullbloom #kaju-ji #cherryblossom
Finally, this is Kaj?-ji Temple which is the famous temple in Yamashina area.

In this area, Daigo-ji Temple which has dynamic impression is very famous,

but you can see the cherry blossoms in elegant impression here.

Entrance fee
High school students or older : 400 yen
Elementary school or middle school students : 200 yen










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