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2017 Kyoto autumn colors information ... (12/1 up)


The autumn leaves in Kyoto which become most vivid color in recent years is being final stage.

So, I introduce some famous places of autumn colors that aren't introduced until the previous time.

南禅寺の三門から…#kyoto #tenjuan #autmncolors #autmnleaves #京都 #紅葉 #天授庵
First of all, it is Tenju-an Temple beside Nanzen-ji Temple.

It is a small temple, but it showed vibrant autumn leaves more than usual.

#enrian #kyoto #autmncolors #autmnleaves #紅葉 #京都 #厭離庵
Next, is Enri-an Temple in Arashiyama.

It is a very small temple, but also it is a very famous place to the expert of autumn colors.

今年の光明院は、久しぶりにまずまずの出来です。??? #komyoin #kyoto #autmncolors #autmnleaves #京都 #光明院 #紅葉
Next, is Komyo-in Temple that is a tatchu of Tofuku-ji Temple.
(Tatchu is sub-temple on the site of the main temple.)

The lock garden designed by a genius landscape architect, Mirei Shigemori is also perfectly compatible with the autumn colors.

龍吟庵もボチボチの出来です。??? #龍吟庵 #京都 #紅葉 #autmncolors #autmnleaves #ryuginan #kyoto
Finally, this is Ryogin-an Temple which is also a tatchu of Tofuku-ji Temple.

This is also famous for the innovative lock garden designed by Mirei Shigemori, but the autumn leaves was also beautiful this year.

From next week, I will put

2017 The ranking of autumn leaves attractions in Kyoto!
...by personal preference.

Stay tuned!



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