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732発目 キャリアフリーの新たな無料Wi-Fiサービス(フリーWi-Fiスポット)を探せ その610 【Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi】 by たつの観光案内所(JR姫新線本竜野駅1階) など 兵庫県内の無料Wi-Fiスポット編
by たつの観光案内所(JR姫新線本竜野駅1階) など
また使用機種(iPhone or アンドロイド)に関しても不問です。
それは…「Tatsuno City Wi-Fi」です。
「Tatsuno City Wi-Fi」の詳細↓
1 たつの観光案内所(JR姫新線本竜野駅1階) 〇
2 観光売店さくら路 〇
3 かどめふれあい館 〇
4 龍野城 〇
5 龍野歴史文化資料館 〇
6 聚遠亭
7 三木露風生家
8 武家屋敷資料館 〇
9 霞城館・矢野勘治記念館 〇
10 たつの市立中央公民館(ロビー付近) 〇
11 道の駅しんぐう 〇
12 道の駅みつ(情報コーナー) 〇
13 国民宿舎赤とんぼ荘(ロビー付近) 〇
14 国民宿舎志んぐ荘(ロビー付近) 〇
15 JR山陽本線竜野駅(観光案内板付近)
16 室津出張所 〇
17 室津海駅館 〇
18 新舞子浜
19 室津漁港
20 世界の梅公園(尋梅館)
利用可能な時間 1日最大60分(15分×4回)まで利用できます。
NTTBPが提供していますので「Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi」アプリで
Today's new free Wi-Fi SSID: [Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi]
Tourist office of by stand (JR Kishin Line Hon Tatsuno Station first floor), etc., Japan
How are you doing, everybody ?
I mainly introduce this blog to people of ?@ ~ ?G below.
?@ If your LTE capacity is almost over your unlimited plan
?A iPhone4S and those who use the 3G model that does not support LTE, such as iPhone4
?B Wi-Fi is more necessary in a tablet, such as iPad
?C if you living abroad temporarily return to Japan with the smartphone and Sim Free mobile use of Sim free
?D towards foreign travelers
?E If you use a notebook computer
?F phones Garake (Future phones) Sumaho the direction of Wi-Fi use
?G purely If you like free Wi-Fi (laughs)
Last one, just kidding.
Of course, DoCoMo, au, Softbank and Y! mobile including SIM free…
It is a free Wi-Fi that can be used by anyone regardless of carrier.
This time I'm gonna introduce a free Wi-Fi that can be used in Hyogo Prefecture (free public wireless LAN).
It is a ... "Tatsuno City Wi-Fi".
HP of Tatsuno ↓
Tatsuno is a city located in Hyogo Prefecture, southwest.
Hyogo Prefecture Map
Details of "Tatsuno City Wi-Fi" ↓
1 stand of the tourist information center (JR Kishin Line Hon Tatsuno Station first floor) Yes
2 tourist shop Sakura road Yes
3 Kadomefureai Museum Yes
4 Tatsunoshiro Yes
5 Tatsuno historical and cultural museum Yes
6 Shuentei
7 Rofu Miki birthplace
8 samurai mansion museum Yes
9 Kajo Museum Yano cantilever Memorial Yes
10 Tatsuno stand Central Community Center (near the lobby) Yes
11 Road Station Shingu Yes
12 Road Station Mitsu (information corner) Yes
13 Kokuminshukusha red dragonfly Zhuang (near the lobby) Yes
14 Kokuminshukusha Thing Zhuang (near the lobby) Yes
15 JR Sanyo Line Tatsuno Station (near the tourist guide plate)
16 Murotsu branch office 〇
17 Murotsu Ocean Station Museum Yes
18 Shinmaiko beach
19 Murotsu fishing port
20 world of plum park (Hiroumekan)
Yes is the mark of location Yes installed a tablet terminal.
Time per day up to 60 minutes available to (15 minutes × 4 times) will be available.
[Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi] connection method
(1) from the Wi-Fi network screen, such as smart phones and tablet, SSID
Select the "Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi".
(2) Check the notes Terms and Conditions, and then tap the "Accept" button.
(3) After entering the e-mail address, you can use to tap the "Connect".
Because NTTBP provides 【Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi】,
the "Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi" application can make you connect more easily.
Why don't you use 【Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi】?