It is important to clarify the purpose and reason for doing dad activities. Not only can you get financial help, but you can also do dad activities for future career advancement and networking. By clarifying your purpose, it will be easier for you to find the right dad for you.
2.find the right dad
Finding the right dad for you is important. The key to success is finding a dad who has conditions that suit you, such as whether the other person's values and goals match, whether the person is kind to you, and whether the content and frequency of assistance is appropriate for you. safely
Daddy life also comes with risks. In order to operate safely, it is necessary to check the information of the other party, start by talking and interacting in public places, and learn how to protect yourself and avoid danger.
4.hone your communication skills
Papa-katsu requires good communication skills. The ability to express one's own opinion clearly and to listen to the opinions of others is important. It is also important to observe manners and courtesy and respect others.
5.polish yourself
It is important to brush yourself up in dad activities. You can increase your attractiveness to your opponent by polishing your appearance, inside, knowledge and skills. It is also important to hone your career and skills in order to become a valuable human resource for dads.
Those who want to act quickly without trouble
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タグ: LoveR