優しいトカゲのふるさと 今日も平和に時が過ぎる 何も変わらないということが良い 何も物事が起きない 田舎は人が死に街は廃れていく だけど私はそれを肯定する トカゲは炎に包まれ死んでいった そこに優しさを置いて 鳥は讃美歌を歌い 平民や貴族たちもその催しに手解きしている 街は優しさで満たされどこかの国に還る 幸せにならなくていい 何にも良くしようとしなくていい 何にも工夫しなくていい 考えなくていい より幸せに気づければそれでいい 歌う 何にもならないが 何もならなくていい ずっと好きなことができていればそれだけでいい Hometown of gentle lizards Time passes peacefully today It's good that nothing changes nothing happens In the countryside, people die and the town goes out of business but i affirm it Lizard died in flames put kindness there birds sing hymns Commoners and aristocrats also participate in the event. The city is filled with kindness and returns to some country don't have to be happy don't try to be good at anything no need to devise anything don't have to think It's okay if you realize you're happier sing it won't do anything you don't have to do anything As long as you can do what you love, that's enough